The Knightcast Episode 35 : Remote Domination.

The Knightcast Episode 35 : Remote Domination.  Direct link to the show : Summary.  Don't even leave your seat for episode 35 of the Knightcast : Remote domination. We talk about the tools of the trade how to remote control every PC that you own. With tips, howto's and cool programs we turn your

Dell releases USB peripheral to battle exploding battery issue.

Dell releases USB peripheral to battle exploding battery issue.       The first ever USB Powered Fire extinguisher. πŸ™‚ For tech in your life .. tune into and check out the Knightcast Podcast.  Related PostsIts not what you add .. its what you leave out . Practical pointers in simplicty.Dell Laptop Bombers no

The Knightcast Episode 34 : Captain Command Line.

Direct link to the show: Show Summary. Join us for episode 34 of the Knightcast. After a long hiatus where we took some time of for rest and relaxation (and to get married) we are back once again with an action packed show. In episode 34 : An interview with captain command line we

Back from Vacation.

What is Vacation ?  “Vacation : va·ca·tion :   period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation, especially one with pay granted to an employee.” “A fixed period of holidays, especially one during which a school, court, or business suspends activities.”Yep πŸ™‚ Thats the one and the only explanation why it has been a little

The Knightcast Episode 33 : Virtualisation.

The Knightcast Episode 33 : Virtualisation Direct link to the show :  Summary. In episode 32 we talk about my upcoming wedding, but most importantly look at the power of virtual machines. Learn how to tune tech into your way of life and 'virtualise' your entire computerlab to just one machine. By using free

Its not what you add .. its what you leave out . Practical pointers in simplicty.

Does your office look like a Borg hive ?  One of the biggest challenges in the daily life of a cyber-citizen must be .. Simplicity. Simplicity in using technology , simplicity in integrating technology , simplicity in hardware and software .. and most importantly : Simplicity in thought.Just think of the classic example. Somewhere along

A salute to spacemusic, a letter to a friend.

Letter to a podcaster, letter to a friend. This week marked the final episode of the podcast. A show I loved and enjoyed .. Its time to step up and salute its creator.   Beaming out to eternity.   Time rushes by in an ever fasting moving world. We are always busy , always

Virtual insanity : Xp in Linux or Linux in XP.

A whole new deal.Β  Very soon we will see a culture shift, A change how people interact on the computer scene. My prophecy is nothing less then the end of the almost religious β€˜ OS- Wars β€˜. From newbie to web-lord, we have all played the paralympic game of β€˜ what’s the better OS’ Wether

Windows Genuine Advantage Phone Hoooome….

Windows genuine .. erm … Genuine ? A few days ago, it was discovered that the Windows Genuine Advantage program (that little tool that checks if you have a real or pirated version of Windows) actually 'phoned home' to Microsoft. Although this was far from a big surprise , it still caused a bit of

hot weather + Airco = No show :(

Hot hotter .. Haaaatchoo !   Just great ! One day of hot and steamy weather and guess what ? I have a cold. A cold ? yep ! My voice sounds like Barry White the morning after his bachelor party. My throat feels like the inside of a death star trash compactor in full

No propper MSN clone for the cross-platform community.

A lot of Chitchat.  As a slider ( somebody who moves swiftly between operating systems like Windows, Mac and Linux ) I am often confronted with the question : What tool do I use for what  ? There are of course plenty of ‘switcher tips” out there to help people out who decide to jump

The Knightcast Episode 32 : My Macbook.

 The Knightcast Episode 32 : My Macbook.    Direct link to the show : Summary. This week we do an in depth 'Knightcast Style' review of the 13,3 inch tinkerbell of technology called "The Macbook". Is it all that its cracked up to be ? Is it realy that great or is it all

The Knightcast Episode 31 : Tips for the mobile Geek.

    The Knightcast episode 31 : Tips for the mobile geek. Direct link to the show : Summary. An episode jam packs with tips for the mobile geek. How to carry and organize your tech equiptment as easy, light, convinient and efficient as possible. What to take with you, where and how to

Letting Windows XP do its own maintenance.

I don't know about you .. but i am out of here. Computer maintenance can be a tedious task, and somehow Windows Pc's can't get enough of it. Wether I open up a computer magazine or listen to a podcast about Windows its always spyware this and scandisk that etc. Now as for spyware and

The Knightcast Episode 30 : What operating system to choose.

  The Knightcast Episode 30  ' What operating system to choose ' Direct link to the show : Summary. Join us for show number thirty where we triple the normal crew of the Knightcast and have a globe spanning discussion with two more experts about what operating system to choose.  Windows ? Linux ? 

the new macbook pro.

Its here ! Its HERE !  I'm a calm person. Introvert, quiet, not easily impressed. Years on the edge of real and cyberspace have left me jaded and therefore not likely to be amazed or star-struck by new technology. As trends evolve and gizmos and gadgets whizz by I raise the preverbal eyebrow and sigh.

The rise of user generated content.

Nothing on YOUR tube .. what about YOU-Tube.  There is nothing on TV, I hear it over and over again.  Somehow mainstream tv entertainment  is indeed turning into brainless putty these days. Endless reruns of sitcoms, shamelessly repeated head-to-tale make the viewer believe that he either needs a lobotomy .. or has just had one. Recent