Everyday Carry

KW1303 – Everyday Carry

A little more than a decade after Amazon introduced the Kindle and turned the eReader market on its head, Knightwise reminisces about some of the earlier reading experiences and provides recommendations for a bunch of great reads. What’s in the bag…? Logitech K811 MS Sculpt Macbook Pro + DongleTown iPad Pro + Apple Pencil Ikea

kw607 : Reviewing the Thule Gauntlet 13 inch Macbook pro and iPad attache Case.

We got a nice and juicy hardware review for you on one of our favourite topics : Laptop bags. We take a closer look at the 13 inch Macbook pro and iPad attache Case (what a mouthful) from Thule. We take a good and decent look at the appearance, style and finish of Thule’s carry-case

The Knightcast Episode 31 : Tips for the mobile Geek.

    The Knightcast episode 31 : Tips for the mobile geek. Direct link to the show : https://knightwise.com/podcasts/kc290506.mp3 Summary. An episode jam packs with tips for the mobile geek. How to carry and organize your tech equiptment as easy, light, convinient and efficient as possible. What to take with you, where and how to