Everyday Carry

KW1303 – Everyday Carry

A little more than a decade after Amazon introduced the Kindle and turned the eReader market on its head, Knightwise reminisces about some of the earlier reading experiences and provides recommendations for a bunch of great reads. What’s in the bag…? Logitech K811 MS Sculpt Macbook Pro + DongleTown iPad Pro + Apple Pencil Ikea

“Whats in your bag week” Day 4 : Knightwise.

With all these amazing guest bloggers showing us what gear they use and what is “in their geekbags” I feel a little intimidated showing you what I drag around. My “Bag” is my daily companion for the days I work onsite as an IT consultant. It is focused on portability AND the ability to facilitate

Dell releases USB peripheral to battle exploding battery issue.

Dell releases USB peripheral to battle exploding battery issue.       The first ever USB Powered Fire extinguisher. 🙂 For tech in your life .. tune into www.knightwise.com and check out the Knightcast Podcast.  Related PostsIts not what you add .. its what you leave out . Practical pointers in simplicty.Dell Laptop Bombers no

Its not what you add .. its what you leave out . Practical pointers in simplicty.

Does your office look like a Borg hive ?  One of the biggest challenges in the daily life of a cyber-citizen must be .. Simplicity. Simplicity in using technology , simplicity in integrating technology , simplicity in hardware and software .. and most importantly : Simplicity in thought.Just think of the classic example. Somewhere along