KW1405 – Merging Your Operating Systems

Sliding from operating system to operating system is always cool, but the borders between the different OS’es sometimes make things hard. What if we took those away? We show you how using Virtualbox to merge your machine’s, your applications and your files using Virtualbox. Links Virtualbox Installing Guest Additions Sharing Folders with Guest OS Live

Cut the Cord

KW1304 – Cutting the Cable

This week Knightwise talks about cutting the cable and some thoughts about what this could mean for not just your pocketbook, but also your sanity. There are tons of places you can get content that you source and curate yourself. Come join us to hear about a few. Producer’s note: Originally recorded in 2017, but

KW1301 – Getting iOS and Linux to Play Nicely Together

There are those times in life when you want to do things because you can… and sometimes you can leverage that in getting done all that you need to do. Links Youtube-DL on GitHub PodGet on GitHub GoodReader for iOS Termius Facebook Group Code Snippets Download your ‘watch later’ playlist youtube-dl -u <yourGmailAddress> -p <yourPassword> -f

KW1005 Knightwise on Podnutz Daily

This week we have a special treat. We have a chance to listen to Knightwise answering some questions instead of being on his usual side of the microphone. This week’s show is an interview that Knightwise gave on a recent episode of Podnutz Daily. Links Podnutz Daily #418 Credits Interview by Jeffery Halash Episode produced

KW1002 Storytime

This week’s edition of the podcast brings another installment of Storytime. Sit back and relax to some tunes selected by the Cyberpunk Librarian, Daniel Messer, and two stories from the archives: “Offline” and “When Wanting is More Pleasing than Having”. Links When Wanting is More Pleasing than Having (original article) Amok Time (Wikipedia) Music

kw802 : Storytime.

Its storytime again on the podcast. We bring together some awesome tunes and two great stories from the blog. Sit back, relax and enjoy our two columns ” I’m not a Gamer ” and ” Privacy is a statement”  Shownotes. – Privacy is a statement (original article : – I’m not a gamer (original

Free book/podcast : When sysadmins ruled the earth.

“Reading” : Aside from reading green text on a black terminal background of a remote SSH connections, most system administrators don’t do a lot of reading. Yet you should consider withdrawing from the screen and keyboard from time to time just to relax with a nice cup of tea and .. do some reading. But

Podcast week : Free Photography lessons with Konrad and Bart.

Perhaps this Christmas you will receive the gift of a digital camera. Maybe its a point and shoot, maybe its a big DSLR camera with lots of buttons, dials, settings and configuration menus … on which you are absolutely clueless on how to correctly operate. If you want to join the herd of brainless mammals

Podcast week : The Cyberpunk librarian podcast on Open Source Writing.

With the holidays coming up you might find yourself trapped in a family gathering that is comprised largely of people talking non-techno gibberish. While it might be perfectly normal for others to talk about “mondaine” things like ‘the game thats on tonight’ or whichever of the babes in America’s next Top model was so skinny

kw406 : Free Geek Gift Guide.

We bring you a showcase from an interview we did on the Nosillacast podcast that is perfect for the holiday season. Find out ways to make your geeky and non geeky friends happy with this free geek gift guide, packed with tips and tricks to make the ultimate stocking stuffer .. without spending a single

Kc305 : "Running your own home Linux Server".

In this episode we give you some ideas and possibilities when it comes to building your own home Linux server. While putting an old clunker back to good use or using a VM, we give you tips and tricks on using the command line, CLI applications, web based interfaces remote desktop sessions or even terminal

Meet Scott Sigler : Internet Superstar Horror Author.

A long time ago, when podcasting was still young, I found out about a writer who was nuts. This author, instead of just writing his book, decided to narrate every chapter and publish it as a podcast BEFORE the book got published. The first book – podcast series he did was called “infected” about a