Cut the Cord

KW1304 – Cutting the Cable

This week Knightwise talks about cutting the cable and some thoughts about what this could mean for not just your pocketbook, but also your sanity. There are tons of places you can get content that you source and curate yourself. Come join us to hear about a few. Producer’s note: Originally recorded in 2017, but

Raspberry Pi Week : Guestblog : Serve Your Message With a Slice of Pi

This weeks guestblog is brought to us by Daniel Messer, aka the Cyberpunk librarian. Find out more about Daniel, his podcast and his awesome website over at Cyberpunk librarian.Com Digital signage is a passion of mine which is odd because, for the most part, I hate advertising. When you think “digital signs” you have to

Server week : Why not “roll your own private little cloud”.

Cloud services. We love them ! All you need to do is hand over your email address, use the same password you have everywhere and sito presto : Before you know it you are using yet another free service that does whatever you require. From handling your email, to storing your documents, from chatting with

Game Week : “Frag the Axis” on “Return to Castle Wolfenstein”.

Loooos Looos Loooooossss !!!! We used to shout it across the office at lunch break. Our boss didn’t even notice anymore and our cleaning lady tended to leave the building whenever we were playing. I am of course referring to the endless lunch breaks at my old job, spent playing “Castle Wolfenstein” in multiplayer mode.

Free book/podcast : When sysadmins ruled the earth.

“Reading” : Aside from reading green text on a black terminal background of a remote SSH connections, most system administrators don’t do a lot of reading. Yet you should consider withdrawing from the screen and keyboard from time to time just to relax with a nice cup of tea and .. do some reading. But

Control auto-starting applications on your Android device (or Android media center)

The MK802 is just one example of Android “hopping over” to more different kinds of devices then the phones and tablets it was designed for. In essence the MK802 is a little computer that comes with a couple of USB ports and an HDMI port so you can hook it up to any TV/Monitor and

Podcast week : Free Photography lessons with Konrad and Bart.

Perhaps this Christmas you will receive the gift of a digital camera. Maybe its a point and shoot, maybe its a big DSLR camera with lots of buttons, dials, settings and configuration menus … on which you are absolutely clueless on how to correctly operate. If you want to join the herd of brainless mammals

kw705 : Reviewing the Samsung Galaxy Gear

Its Go-go-gadget review time again as we get our greedy little geek hands on the latest gadgets from Samsung. We do an in depth review of their new Phablet the “Note 3” and turn ourselves into Michael Knight (from Knightrider .. remember ?) as we slap on the worlds most advanced smart watch : The

49 Euros for the Pyrus Mini ebook reader : Totally worth it.

Books : Some like the smell of paper, the sounds of gentle footfalls in the hushed silence of libraries, some like flipping though pages and the rustling sound of paper turning in  the night … I’m not one of those persons. To be honest : I’ve been reading digital books since the beginning of this

Bittorent Sync brings cloudless cross platform file syncing.

If I have learned one thing over the last couple of weeks is that although all good things in life are free, free doesn’t always last forever. With the sudden demise of Google reader  (and the associated apocalypse for all of my fancy social-media-autoposting scripts) I’ve decided that my trust in ‘free cloud services’ is something

“Blood and Chrome” Battlestar Galactica prequel available online.

If you haven’t seen the “remake” of the 1980’s show Battlestar Galactica, you should seriously consider going to a therapist and ask them to examine that hairy ball of fur between your shoulder blades. As any self respecting geek with a sci-fi interest will tell you, Battlestar Galactica ( BSG for Short) is one of

Diaspora Battlestar Galactica mod has cross platform sliders screaming : “So say we all”

Another great tip from long time friend of the show Sharky, has our collective ‘significant others’ moaning in distress. Lets face it people : If somebody told you you got to fly a Viper in the Battlestar Galactica universe, things like girlfriends, day-jobs, work, food and even to some extent breathable air , become secondary

Meet Scott Sigler : Internet Superstar Horror Author.

A long time ago, when podcasting was still young, I found out about a writer who was nuts. This author, instead of just writing his book, decided to narrate every chapter and publish it as a podcast BEFORE the book got published. The first book – podcast series he did was called “infected” about a