Make screencasts from your android phone with ‘Rec.’

Jan 23

There is a time in your life where you have reached the highest levels of achievement in the things that really matter. Those few and feeble quirks of existence  that defy who you are in this pointless thing we call life .. We are of course referring to … CANDY CRUSH . What is the point of reaching yet another level of this magnificent game that is so important you feel the need to abandon your pets, love, sweetheart … if you cannot share it with the world ? Running around with your phone , pointing at the screen and shouting ‘LOOK LOOK’ is one way to do it, but it is not the only one.

Screenshot 2014-01-19 10.17.51


Enter “REC.” a simple screen capture application for Android (Its free) that lets you record your screen and all your moments of glory as you shatter yet another row of multi-colored  diamonds. “Rec.” lets you save, download and share screencasts recorded on your Android phone .. with everyone.

Rec. is free, works with Kit Kat, but does require root privileges. Download it here.


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Control auto-starting applications on your Android device (or Android media center)

Jan 04

The MK802 is just one example of Android “hopping over” to more different kinds of devices then the phones and tablets it was designed for. In essence the MK802 is a little computer that comes with a couple of USB ports and an HDMI port so you can hook it up to any TV/Monitor and instantly turn that machine into a ‘smartscreen’. With devices like the MK802, you can easily turn your television into a media center using applications like PLEX or Boxee who let your Android ‘stick’ become your media front end.


The only thing that is missing is that those applications should ‘start up’ automatically whenever your android device of choice boots. In order to make that work we found the free app called “Startup Manager” (how DO they come up with these original names). 

You can either tweak your Android device by removing applications that run on startup (nice way to clean out some branded cruft) OR add some auto starting applications of your own. (perfect for launching VLC, Boxee or Plex at bootup). 

Startup manager is free, does not require root and is available in the Android Marketplace.

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Kc306 : "Doortodoorgeek Talks Tech".

Jul 27

After our little unscheduled hiatus we are back in the saddle with a superlong and fun packed episode with the hardest working man in podcasting : Doortodoorgeek. We talk about a wide variety of tech topics ranging from Android to Ios, Apple Windows and Linux , Rooting phones, Rasberry pies and life as a geek. We are super excited to get this cross platform maven on the show and are very VERY happy to bring you this extended episode of the podcast.


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Geek Porn : Ubuntu on a Transformer Prime.

May 10

Sometimes people ask me if I watch porn sometimes. I look at them (mostly square in the face) then I slowly nod .. and grin. 🙂 This usually makes them pretty uncomfortable, so the next step to REALLY freak them out is ask if they want to see some .. some GEEK PORN that is. If they haven’t run towards the door screaming or shuffled away backwards on their but cheeks , I tend to google up a video like the one you see below. Running Ubuntu on and Asus Transformer Prime. In all it’s not THAT hard to do once you root your Android phone / tablet, but the porn part is : Making stuff do things its not supposed to do 🙂 Taking control of the technology and make it jump through hoops the way YOU want it to. I haven’t tried this myself yet, (so please : Blame the guy in the video if you brick your Droid device) but it does look like the ultimate destiny for those overpowered quad-core tablet devices whose main effort in life is to run Angry Birds. Don’t forget to wash your hands when you are done and enjoy some Geek Porn.

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Do we need cyber-locksmiths?

Aug 25


By Daniel "Captain Command Line" Turner. (more at )


Everything today is computerized, your comunications, you finances, many people's enjoyment, travel, even friendships! And all of this is passworded. Imagine, having to recite a secret code just to talk to a friend, it sounds stupid, but millions of people are doing it every day, with MySpace, Instant Messaging and VoIP. But what about the things that hide below, the things that no-one talks about–the OS. Mac, Windows, Linux and BSD, They all now have the capability to require a password to login. Linux, Mac and BSD are the worst here, password this, password that. Root to install this, root to tweak that, root to fix something. What happens when end users use this passwording capability? Windows has it covered, with the "Forgot Password" button, that shows a preset hint. But what of Linux, Mac and BSD? Is their security too strong? Say I give a Ubuntu or PC-BSD desktop to a family, give them all a username and a password, but not root priviledges. I wisper the root password in old dad's ear, tell him it's special, to change it, to remember it well.Fast forward 2 weeks, or a month or what ever, and little Johnny wants to install program xyz for his homework (especially easy for  PC-BSD), but keeps getting the dialogue box "Please input root password" What's he to do? He's confused. He goes and asks dear ol' Dad, who by now, having no need for the root password has completely forgotten it, he didn't even change it. Oh dear, they're locked out of their own PC.


They've effectivley lost they keys to their virtual home.Who do they call? Where's a locksmith when you need one. Get a LiveCD you say, change the GRUB kernel arguments you say, use John the Ripper you cry? Sure, this non-techie family is going to know exactly what to do, where to get a live CD, how to find the shadowed password, what program to put it in, how long to wait, what to look for. Yes, they're going to  know all of this. Sure. To them, this magic black box that holds all that is dear to them is refusing to play nice.So, pick up the phone they do, phone up the computer support guy and ask "What's the root password, and why do I need it?" Many computer support operations are Windows-only (not the one in my home town, but many that I know of). So they get the answer back "The what password?" Oh dear, now they're in deep doo-doos. They take it to PC World, who last time I checked in Britain, is a Windows only operation. So what to they see? They see PC-BSD or Ubuntu boot. They see a different login window. They have no idea what "root" is, or why it's asking for his password. If you're lucky, a Linux or BSD 'nerd' might work there, and immediately know what to do, pulling a LiveCD from his kit, loading BackTrack, going straight for /etc/passwd and then the shadow, if there is one. Pulling a seemingly random string of characters, and loading it into John the Ripper. Sure, that might happen, but it might not. So you're back to square one, a 'broken' but some how functional PC.
Who do you call when you're locked out of your virtual house? Grab the yellow pages and look under "Cyber Locksmiths"? No, there's no one, unless you are lucky when you walk through the door of PC World, your home-grown computer support shop round the corner, or you have an extremely techie friend. Failing this, you are done for.

Where is the button ?

So where's the reset password button, I ask, When's the password hint going to make it into Linux and BSD, or is this just to stupid, to question the security of the OS, just for the user to actually be able to use the OS? So far, this has been fine (well, almost) for Microsoft. Microsoft have been to busy putting out patches of XP to even get an OS out in 5 Years, where as Linux and BSD have grown by leaps and bounds, grabbing market share in government and school computers. Even in the developing world, Linux is taking hold. Linux has had a hold for years in the hobbyist, enthusiast market since it was born as a terminal emulator that ran off a floppy so that Linus Torvalds could use his university account, and learn to use the 386 instruction set. By it's very nature, it's heavily technical.So,  I call unto the gods of the copmuter world (Jobs, Torvlads and Gates) create Cyber-Locksmiths!

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