Sometimes people ask me if I watch porn sometimes. I look at them (mostly square in the face) then I slowly nod .. and grin. 🙂 This usually makes them pretty uncomfortable, so the next step to REALLY freak them out is ask if they want to see some .. some GEEK PORN that is. If they haven’t run towards the door screaming or shuffled away backwards on their but cheeks , I tend to google up a video like the one you see below. Running Ubuntu on and Asus Transformer Prime. In all it’s not THAT hard to do once you root your Android phone / tablet, but the porn part is : Making stuff do things its not supposed to do 🙂 Taking control of the technology and make it jump through hoops the way YOU want it to. I haven’t tried this myself yet, (so please : Blame the guy in the video if you brick your Droid device) but it does look like the ultimate destiny for those overpowered quad-core tablet devices whose main effort in life is to run Angry Birds. Don’t forget to wash your hands when you are done and enjoy some Geek Porn.

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