Another great tip from long time friend of the show Sharky, has our collective ‘significant others’ moaning in distress. Lets face it people : If somebody told you you got to fly a Viper in the Battlestar Galactica universe, things like girlfriends, day-jobs, work, food and even to some extent breathable air , become secondary concerns.  Remembering the massive plain of molten glass that was “our social life” after watching all 5 seasons of BSG back2back, being able do “dive back in” with this game .. is scary.

And so it should be. This beautiful game has been four years in the making by a dedicated team of programmers who must also have slipped into social oblivion if you see the level of detail this game has to offer.  Not only can you fly your own Viper and ‘Kill some Toasters” ( I mean : being able to do that is a life goal .. right there !) The magic wands behind this game even give you the ability to do combat landings. YES ! Combat landings !  So spice up on your Colonial Shoptalk and be willing to “take some Ferlon” to go “Frack around” and “Nuke some Toasters”  … 

Oh speaking of Colonial Shoptalk. Do you have your Visa card out for this ? Ready to spend some Cubits ? (Perhaps you first need to place some bets on the Caprica Buccaneers to make sure) Well .. put it back because this game is FREE ! 

And you know the next level of goodness here don’t you. No need to have an expensive game console or be tied down to a specific operating system. Diaspora is available for the Mac, Linux and OSX … so you can do some multiplayer goodness with your Cross platform buddies..  So say we all !

Get the goodness from their website or download the game here. Too lazy to read this article .. just watch the video. 

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