If you haven’t seen the “remake” of the 1980’s show Battlestar Galactica, you should seriously consider going to a therapist and ask them to examine that hairy ball of fur between your shoulder blades. As any self respecting geek with a sci-fi interest will tell you, Battlestar Galactica ( BSG for Short) is one of the “must-be-seen-before-terminator-gets-me-and-shoots-me” tv shows. Along with Firefly it draws the line dividing the best and the greatest sci-fi shows of the third millennium of mankind (Both shows being in the ‘greatest’ department.) The lords of Cobol (or should I say Scifi-channel) have bestowed upon you, whether thou art BGS junkies or total BSG-Virgins, a prequel. How did the first Cylon-Human war get started ? Where did it all begin ? How did Adama get his command of the Galactica and what happens if a toaster shoots at you. Be ignorant no more sweet friends. Behold “Blood and Chrome” … 

And the other episodes are also LEGALY available online.

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