kw806 : Datacenter in a box.

We go deeply technical today and discover the wonders of Virtual machines. What are they and why do we compare them to holographic characters in Star Trek ? We talk about the secret sauce to build a ‘Datacenter in a Box’ for your home. Instead of owning rows of old clunkers to test, or half

Save money and gain focus using the linux command line as a wordprocessor.

For the life of me I cannot remember the link (nor find back the episode) to a Hacker Public Radio podcast episode that inspired me to do this post. The speaker in this little podcast talked about the way we use word processors. He mentioned a study where they compared several groups of students that

Tired of OSX telling you what you can and cannot do ? Use the command line.

The great thing about OSX (and all Apple technology for that matter) is that there aren’t a lot of buttons you can press. This makes for simplicity and ease of use. For stark designs and intuitive interactions with technology. And that’s great. Until you feel the urge to customize something or want to change a