KW1301 – Getting iOS and Linux to Play Nicely Together

There are those times in life when you want to do things because you can… and sometimes you can leverage that in getting done all that you need to do. Links Youtube-DL on GitHub PodGet on GitHub GoodReader for iOS Termius Facebook Group Code Snippets Download your ‘watch later’ playlist youtube-dl -u <yourGmailAddress> -p <yourPassword> -f

Switch week : Moving mail from iCloud to Gmail.

We continue switch week on where we help you to move your data from Apple’s closed ecosystem into something more ‘open’ and cross-platform-friendly. Today we look at iCloud. Apple’s free cloud service for mail, calendar and contacts. But what if you decide you want to quit that Apple ecosystem, or want to migrate your

kw707 : Downloading Torrents from anywhere.

This week we teach you the art of downloading. Wiseguy Daniel Messer tells you all about how to use the Piratbay browser to anonymise your traffic through  the TOR network, circumventing censorship,  nosy ISP’s and even our lovely friends over at the NSA.  After this insightful tutorial on using this ‘portable app’ its my turn

Achtung ! Wolfenstein 3D turns 20 and is free for you to play.

You start noticing you are getting old when things like “20th anniversary of” start popping up all around you. And with that I don’t mean the 20th anniversary of your retarded cousin (who you thought would kill himself by endlessly going around a revolving door) but things like GAMES. Games YOU used to play when

LINUX : Lubuntu 12.04 is nearly done.

With the end of the month approaching the new release of Ubuntu is coming ever closer. With 12.04 we are seeing the 3rd incarnation of this popular operating system featuring the highly contraversial Unity interface. Canonicals bold move in choosing a completely different way of letting you interact with your desktop have been the subject