There is a command line command to top up my bank account with an almost infinite amount of cash. The only thing is .. i forgot what it is.  Like keyboard shortcuts, command line commands are awesome and can save you a lot of time. BUT you need to remember them. Sure things like CTRL V and CTRL C are easy to remember, just like commands like ‘ls’ and “sudo apt-get update” because we use them on an almost daily basis. But what about the others ? One way to remember your power commands is with some cheat sheets ( I dare you ! Say “cheat sheet” 10 times , really fast) So click the links below and remember that cheating is allowed .. this time.

General Linux Command line Cheat Sheet.

Ubuntu Cheat Sheet.

OSX Command line Cheat Sheet.

Windows command line Cheat Sheet.

Ultimate collection of cheat sheets ever made, including the one to reboot the universe.



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