The great thing about OSX (and all Apple technology for that matter) is that there aren’t a lot of buttons you can press. This makes for simplicity and ease of use. For stark designs and intuitive interactions with technology. And that’s great. Until you feel the urge to customize something or want to change a certain setting. Guess what ? In good old Windows we had tons of buttons to press , but in OSx ? No buttons.. just sheer frustration ! Time to slit your throat with a blunt usb thumbdrive ? No ! There is hope. OSX is built on a Unix core , thus underneath all that shiny mac-ness hides the terminal .. and that very terminal allows you do dive deeper into the center of your operating system then you thought possible. We don’t need to stinkin buttons ! Just open up the command line, choose your worst frustration or deepest desire from the list and Copy Paste.

Want some Widgets ON your desktop instead of your Dashboard ?  Want to send the PING sidebar in iTunes into Oblivion ? Want a 2D Dock instead of a 3d ?  Just go ahead and hit up this Fabulous list Mathias Bynes Dotfiles

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