KW1405 – Merging Your Operating Systems

Sliding from operating system to operating system is always cool, but the borders between the different OS’es sometimes make things hard. What if we took those away? We show you how using Virtualbox to merge your machine’s, your applications and your files using Virtualbox. Links Virtualbox Installing Guest Additions Sharing Folders with Guest OS Live

Turn your home into a virtual datacenter with Virtualbox.

You’ve heard us talk lots of times about Virtualbox. Our FAVORITE free (as in ‘Gratis’) cross platform virtualisation software. As we mentioned in the previous podcast episode about “Proxmox” (a more serious virtualisation tool) the machines in our home with their I5 and i7 processors and “Gigglebytes” of ram .. are mostly idling around in

The Knightcast Episode 33 : Virtualisation.

The Knightcast Episode 33 : Virtualisation Direct link to the show :  Summary. In episode 32 we talk about my upcoming wedding, but most importantly look at the power of virtual machines. Learn how to tune tech into your way of life and 'virtualise' your entire computerlab to just one machine. By using free

Its not what you add .. its what you leave out . Practical pointers in simplicty.

Does your office look like a Borg hive ?  One of the biggest challenges in the daily life of a cyber-citizen must be .. Simplicity. Simplicity in using technology , simplicity in integrating technology , simplicity in hardware and software .. and most importantly : Simplicity in thought.Just think of the classic example. Somewhere along