Privacy week: Surf anonymously with the TOR Browser.

The TOR network, better known as “The Onion Router” network is mesh of “endpoints” all over the world, interconnected by a encrypted connections. Much like a network of Wormholes, traffic can go in on one end and leave the TOR network in a completely different (and random location) to “go on the internet.”   I

Privacy week : Why encrypting your traffic is important.

This week is “Privacy Week” on where we are going to focus on applications, tips and tricks to keep YOUR data safe from prying eyes. “Why ? ” you might say .. “I have nothing to hide”.  Are you sure about that ?  Then lets strip the blinds from your bedroom so your neighbours

The Knightcast Episode 31 : Tips for the mobile Geek.

    The Knightcast episode 31 : Tips for the mobile geek. Direct link to the show : Summary. An episode jam packs with tips for the mobile geek. How to carry and organize your tech equiptment as easy, light, convinient and efficient as possible. What to take with you, where and how to