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The most important lesson that I learned from re-listening to those old shows is that the most boring, dull and mundane things might be the most fascinating to share. One of the reasons I haven’t blogged for a while is because I thought I had nothing to share. Turns out there are things that i’m working on (as small as they may seem) that might be of some importance to the listeners. Hopping back to 1>0: ANY content is better then NO content at all.

Productivity week : Let somebody read you the web with Pocket.

There are certain things in the universe that are constant. Toast always falls with the Marmelade coated side DOWN, cats land on their feet and Will Smith’s son Jayden will never be able to utter an intelligent sentence on social media. And the same goes for interesting articles on the web. Their will be a

kw908 : Getting Things Done, the cross platform way.

Is your mailbox overflowing ? Is your to-do list getting out of control ? Have you forgotten to pick up your significant other from the airport 3 times in a row ? Sounds to me you need a system to organise the myriad of things you have to do. Good thing there is KW908 :

Guestblogger week : The Geek-Ocd Silver Bullet.

This week it’s guestblogger week on where our community members step up and share their hacks tips and tweaks for cross platform geeks. We kick of the week with digital maven Gerard Moonen (Communication specialist, webdesigner and all round nice guy) telling us how he deals with Geek-OCD : Our tendency to waste away

kw706 : Storytime “Turning off your notifications” and “Digital Robin Hoods”

Back by popular demand its time for another “Storytime” episode here on We take a good look at the question “Why notifications are bad for you” and try to inspire you in your post Black-Friday gadget overload to save a bit of the planet and become a “Digital Robin Hood”. We have good friend

Why turning off your notifications is better for you then you think.

As I stack away the last empty suitcase its official : Our annual summer holiday is officially over. A two week road trip through the south of France with just me and my family has left me relaxed and revitalised for the coming months amidst the busy mayhem of my modern day over connected life.