kw908 : Getting Things Done, the cross platform way.

Is your mailbox overflowing ? Is your to-do list getting out of control ? Have you forgotten to pick up your significant other from the airport 3 times in a row ? Sounds to me you need a system to organise the myriad of things you have to do. Good thing there is KW908 :

Why turning off your notifications is better for you then you think.

As I stack away the last empty suitcase its official : Our annual summer holiday is officially over. A two week road trip through the south of France with just me and my family has left me relaxed and revitalised for the coming months amidst the busy mayhem of my modern day over connected life.

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No post today since I’ve been spending the weekend with friends doing tech unrelated stuff. As proof : Here is little old me 40 feet off the ground doing some high-rise adventure course. Related PostsCleaning out your digital gutters !KW1101 The Knightwise Identitieskw908 : Getting Things Done, the cross platform way.Find Your Work StyleWhy turning