Server Week: What is OSX Server and Why Would a Home User Need One ?

*By guestblogger Todd Oldhoff * As someone who teaches about using OS X Server I get a lot of questions from home users about why they would even need a server in the first place. Most people perceive that servers are for big business operations. They are huge machines that sit in a dedicated room

Privacy week : Why encrypting your traffic is important.

This week is “Privacy Week” on where we are going to focus on applications, tips and tricks to keep YOUR data safe from prying eyes. “Why ? ” you might say .. “I have nothing to hide”.  Are you sure about that ?  Then lets strip the blinds from your bedroom so your neighbours

kw609 : The wonders of wardriving with Wigle.

We walk the hackers walk this week and show you how to accumulate your own database of Wireless access points in your area using nothing more but your smartphone. And if that is not enough we take it a step further and teach you how to find an open wifi hotspot anywhere on the planet.