There used to be a time when we went wardriving. We hopped into the car and drove around looking for open Wifi networks. 2 things have changed since then : Networks are so abundant now that you don’t HAVE to drive around anymore. 2 : Even redneck geeks have learned that they need to lock down their wifi network so cousin earl won’t be leeching his porn collection of their bandwidth. The whole “He might have married our mom but he won’t get our pipe” and all that.

But how hard IS it to hack a wireless network anyway ? Turns out , not THAT hard. We all know that WEP encryption is worthless and even WPA can be broken. But just how much skill do you need ? Well : It turns out we can ALL have a “crack” at it with the BackTrack live cd. This great tutorial shows you not only how to protect your own network from intruders , it also teaches you a little white hat wifi hacking skills you thought you would never learn. ” Welcome to the matrix Neo .. Here is your Wifi – Hacking Manual


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