What is Vacation ? 

“Vacation : va·ca·tion :   period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, or relaxation, especially one with pay granted to an employee.” “A fixed period of holidays, especially one during which a school, court, or business suspends activities.”
Yep 🙂 Thats the one and the only explanation why it has been a little quiet here at the Knightwise.com website. I’ve taken a vacation. And when I say Vacation , I do mean : Vacation. For somebody tuned into the net and a tightly warn net of communcational devices this means : Unplug from the big ‘dub dub dub’ (internet), Turning of the ‘IM’ communicational tools, letting the mails que up nicely in my inbox and get my callers and my voicemail re-aquatinted.



Zen Med for Cybergeeks.

In the first week : this was very very true : Trekking out to Wissant France for our honeymoon meant traveling to a beautiful rural area by the coast that unfortunately housed NO FREE WIFI. The entire survival kit that I brought along ( Laptop and gear ) became its own Robinson Crusoe when no internet connectivity was available. Sure , I lugged the laptop around for the 2 first days , looking for an open wifi, but then (understandably) my lovely new wife pointed out the utter uselessness of the act and the fact I was painting a sad picture of the ‘geek in despair’ for the rest of the world. So I took up the challenge and remained disconnected from the internet .. The whole week. And that was pretty cool you know. Working on my laptop in the evenings meant an undisturbed session of writing and being creative. No internet to overflow one with information , no IM’s to disturb you .. Just the ticking of an old coo-coo clock and the wrapping of my fingers on the keyboard. For all cyber-citizens out there , getting your machine off line is like some kind of ZEN meditation exercise. What appears useless at first becomes very relaxing and helps you focus. And besides that : It was my freaking honeymoon ! So I was a little tied up in enjoying the company of my new and lovely bride to be bothered by the fact I was missing out on AMD buying ATI. All the pictures of our holiday are HERE.

The week after that ?  

The week after that , when I got home , some 80 emails awaited me ( including some spam) but the wave of ‘This is the information you have missed’ was enormous. Being tied in to the throbbing pulse of the net feeds me more info then I think at first. Just a quick chat with Seb & Dave (the Soul men from the Global Geek podcast) led me to believe I had become an informational Retard in just missing out 7 days of net-related information. I’m still catching up to get back in the saddle.  It amazed me to see , just how much information – communication and content creation i process every week. Am I really an information-junkie ?

We will resume our normal programming in 5 4 3 2 1 ….

But to close that all up , let me reassure you in saying that normal programming shall resume starting today and all will be hip and fine and dandy again. So the Knight is back in the informational saddle. But I do wonder if I’m driving the proverbial internet Horse .. or if i’m just a passenger with no control … Who knows ..

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