Oh yes … did I mention this ?  

Ok , by now the podcast should have been up, but hardcore Knightcast fans have to be a little more patient. I’ve been down and out with a nice bronchitis last week. So this weekend i’ll be sure to have a new episode up.
BUT ! More important things have also been on the agenda. It is with great pride and joy that we unveil one of our secret projects we have been working on for the last few months. A secret project that required a lot of preparation and also .. a little bit of cloak and dagger secrecy.  So time to pull back the curtain and unveil ….  Our marriage !





Cloak and Dagger

Yep , On July 8th Nyana and me will cease to be engaged and will seal our vowels in the town Hall of Hasselt. Together with a select crowd of friends and family we’ll be up and about at the crack of dawn to start of the big day. We will be keeping you posted , and in true Knightwise.com tradition there will be a rather large digital coverage of the event. So hang on for video material, Digital photos and a sound-seeing tour (might even do a special podcast of the event). Instead of a wedding photographer we are proud to announce that we have a wedding cartoonist. Len from Jawboneradio.com provided us with this official wedding cartoon for which we are eternally grateful. Check out his work on www.jawboneradio.com . As we are off to shop for some wedding – outfit somewhere I leave you with this great cartoon 🙂 See you soon !

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