Movie week : Movies every geek should see (3 of 5) : Breaking the Code.

Oct 15

It is sometimes frustrating to see that history tends to forget those who have played the most important rolls. This is very much the case with the British mathematician Alan Turing who, during the second world war, not only was responsible for breaking the German Enigma code, but also for laying the foundations of the modern day computers we use. Turing has never really gotten the credit he deserved back in the 1950’s because of his homosexuality. He died in 1954 and has only recently been “rediscovered” by Hollywood in the upcoming movie “CODEBREAKER” featuring Benedict Cumberbatch.  But this is not the first movie to be made about Turings remarkable life and his utter brilliance. In “Breaking the code” (IMDB 1996) Derek Jacobi portrays Turing in his struggles during the second world war against the Nazi Code .. but also against a narrow minded society that cannot except his true nature.

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Movie week : Movies every geek should see (2 of 5) : Revolution OS

Oct 14

Its movie week on where we suggest 5 movies every geek should see because they teach us something about the history of the technology we use everyday. “Revolution OS” is one of those documentaries that give you an insight on “Where things come from”. Things, in this movie/documentary being “Linux”. How did the open source movement get started, where did it come from and what is the relation between Richard Stallman and Linux Torvalds. We found the full version of this documentary on Youtube .. enjoy and don’t forget to look for Stallman’s great quote about “Han Solo” .. enjoy.

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Movie week : Movies every geek should see (1 of 5) : Pirates of Silicon Valley.

Oct 13

Technology and geekery are becoming a bigger and bigger part of our lives. Where the internet used to be something only used by university students with beards and open-toe sandals, it is now an integral part of everybody’s life. So it is no surprise that some of the persona’s who have made that technological evolution happen , have found themselves portrayed on the big screen. Once the silver screen was the exclusive domain of fictional characters portrayed by superstars like Jean Claude van Damme and Silvester Stalone .. These days a movie about how a 17 year old college kid invented a social media network .. is a blockbuster. “Jobs” “The Social Network” … its hard to believe that silicon valley has become so rooted in popular culture that Hollywood has embraced its shady heroes.  But those are the movies that get the limelight , the big productions. This week in “Movie Week” we focus on some of those movies that never “made it big” but that Every geek should see.  3 2 1 … action.

Pirates of Silicon Valley. (IMDB 1999)

Who, in the history of technology was responsible for bringing the PC into our homes. What events transpired to bring a super expensive technology, reserved for boring enterprise calculation work to the bedroom of every teenager in the late 80’s. Who was involved, how did it happen and what is so important about a garden shed. “Pirates of Silicon Valley” shows a young Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Steve Balmer in their struggle to change the world as we know it. An entertaining movie featuring a young Noah Wyle (ER, Falling Skies) in a more unbiased roll as Steve Jobs and Anthony Michael Hall as Bill Gates.

We found this rather blocky trailer on Youtube, but you can watch the entire movie on Netflix HERE. Or you can try the torrentz 🙂 .. but we didn’t tell you that :p

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