A day at the Zoo.

To grab a breath of fresh air, we hopped over to the Paradisio Zoo in Ath, near Chaleroi on friday. For all af the birdie fans we shot some pictures.     Check them out here.    Related PostsNo Related Posts

Another Mac in the Family

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Shove it with Senduit !

If there is one thing I truly hate it must be attachments in Email. No seriously ? What the crap is up with that ! !  The Smtp protocol that blissfully shoves email all over the globe was invented a long time ago (in a galaxy not SO far away) by some genious ubergeek to

I have my Eye on a Mac.

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A day at the Seaside.

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Just a random Chat.

  Random Chat 🙂     Starring Daniel (Captain Command line) dropping in after seeing my Ubuntu Desktop screenshot.  (08:41:03 PM) Turner: no way!(08:41:10 PM) Turner: a mac OS X cross with ubuntu!(08:41:13 PM) Turner: awesome dude!(08:41:18 PM) Knightwise: Vista background !(08:41:30 PM) Knightwise: its a standard Gdesklett(08:45:24 PM) Turner: where'd you get it at

The mark of the Slider !

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Spray Away ! Urban Grafiti in Hasselt.

Not everybody uses the internet as their canvas. Not everyone is a part of the web 2.0 community. Not everybody's creative ideas flow forth from the backlight of a TFT display. Some people stick to using more conventional ways of expressing their artistic feelings. Here in town for example we have an art-school. This can