An epiphany of Creativity.

Epiphanies. On distant shores of countries far far away words floated back and forth yesterday. As the blue water crashed endlessly against the white cliffs .. My vision floated .. Like the seagulls over the pale blue skies. Within and beyond my sight lay only infinity and the thought that all these people walking the

Warm Weekend !

Yes I know I've been a bad bad blogger, But I have also been a bad busy blogger too. And shoot me for going outside with lovely weather like this to enjoy some sunshine. Yes : I actually have a tan this year and the summer hasn't even kicked off. But I'll rehash you through

Serenity in the whisps of mocca

    I slowly wrap my hands around the steaming cup. Almost too hot to touch, yet too tempting to leave be. The sounds of the dawn shout in their absence as I only hear the gentle ticking of the clock. Marching toward a world that just awakens. Some people need their morning cup "to

More than meets the eye.

I think I got my first one when I was about .. 10 .. Back in 1984 they where actually called them Diaclones and they where still these kind of bizarre semi transformable "things" that had a very sketchy Japanese background. But the one I got was a real one. A genuine " Transformer "

The apple tv is a bad idea.

The first time I heard about the Apple Tv thing I was a little curious. It had been predicted, or should I say prophesised, as the Airport express with Video. Sure enough : That concept did sound pretty appealing, a way to stream your audio and your video to your tv. Like you could do