Yes I know I've been a bad bad blogger, But I have also been a bad busy blogger too. And shoot me for going outside with lovely weather like this to enjoy some sunshine. Yes : I actually have a tan this year and the summer hasn't even kicked off. But I'll rehash you through the weekend.

 Friday. Got home from a lovely day at work to gingerly pickup the pastels I had received at the post office. Knowing that the Ebay Fairy had come by I was looking forward to yet another book in my Star Trek Paperback collection (Star Trek SCE, Foundations ) that I had bought dirt-cheap of Ebay. The good news is they had the package. The bad news is .. they lost my second package. This being the powersupply of the second-hand Mac-Mini I had purchased the week before …. was not good news.  So my best layed plans of men and mice to set up my Mac Mini as a multimedia server in our living room during the weekend.. Had to be put on hold.  So when I finally got home it was time to rush and get ready for the recording of the Global Geek Podcast (We record on friday these days). A little panic got the best of me when Dave and Tim decided to "hide" from the Skype contact list untill 2 seconds before the recording started. Really .. That Aussie humor ! The actual recording was big fun due to the fact we where "Twitter-casting" As the show progressed we "twittered" what we where talking about and the listeners that where "twittering along" could send in their "twitters". So the whole thing became "semi interactive"

Saturday was one of those days where I thought that I either need a firewall, a bodyguard or a secret Identity. Cause it was support-mayhem as usual. Friend of mine asked me to come over to pick up his Mac I had reinstalled, My sister(s) in law where having a little secret agenda. I had ANOTHER friend with a crashed computer.. And you know how it is : They ALL want to do it on Saturday. So after some extensive schedule-juggling I got most of it out of the way by noon. The afternoon was spent helping Nyana"s sister fiend a smashing outfit ( I tell you : That girl would drive Trinny and Suzanna nuts ) But all in all we had a good time. The sun was out and life was good. ( So was the Vanilla Coffee they have at our favorite coffee bar here in Hasselt)  To be very honest : After watching X-men 3 that night I was to pummeled to do anything else and decided to turn in early (on a Saturday.. I know)

But the day was fresh and feisty on sunday so before the clock had even a chance to strike 10 am it was beaten by the slamming of the front door as we went out for the day. A little trip to the "Knokke of the Ardennes" Durbuy was on the menu and thanks to our great GPS system we where in for an adventurous ride. Somehow the system likes to send us through the vilest and most ghetto-like neighborhoods in order to get somewhere. So instead of circumventing the center of Liege the GPS decided to take us right through the brown-downtown core of the city. Would have been great to shoot some pictures but the chance we would get the camera mugged right out of our hands was not all that remote.

Adolph SaxIn Durbuy the weather was great.. The chinese tourists where plenty and the tourists trying to kanoo where hilarious ! (Not to mention the wonderful Italian food). Afterwards it was time to dive into Dinant which is probably  the most noisiest and smelliest city in the French speaking part of Belgium. The only reason Adolph Sax invented the Saxophone is this place is probably because he was designing some kind of breathing apparatus. Tried to make a nice picture of his statue but again 🙂 More Japanese tourists. But all in all the weather was too great to pass up so we plunked down next to the river "De Maas" and thought back of the first time we came to this place. Coming to think of it .. It was over ten years ago ! The little cable car we took to the top of the Fortress is long gone now. And all in all its amazing to see how fast time goes.  Just to give you guyz some peeks inside I'm plopping in some extra pictures. Enjoy.

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