KW Videoblog for 28-6 : Community news and a peek at my desk.

We are back with another weekly videoblog and fill you in on whats going down in the sliders community. We drop a couple of big names on who is signing up for our “Avengers assemble” project where we are looking for guestbloggers, content creators and backend mavens. As a bonus we swivel the camera

kw605 : The Samsung 2013 Premiere event in London.

We grab our camera kit once more and hop over to London to cover Samsungs 2013 premiere event where their new product line of Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Desktops and other devices is presented to the public. We take a close look at the new Galaxy phones, the new NX Camera, and Samsungs first Windows-Android dualbooting

Samsungs “John Snow” of “Slabtops” and other interesting mutations at the #ativ #premiere.

The house was pretty packed yesterday in London for Samsungs ‘Ativ premiere 2013’ event. Press, partners and people from Samsung from all parts of the globe milled around in a mostly darkened hall, patiently anticipating the new product releases the  company was about to give from its giant stage that was to be the focus

KW Videoblog for 6-15. Drunk dialing half your community and a call to arms.

We pick up the weekly video blog tradition at to give you a peek behind the scenes of whats going down. I talk about the new google hangout client and how I accidently connected 62 ‘wiseguys’ from over the world AND how YOU can contribute to the community. We also ask you whether