Meet Major Kira.

Meet the newest addition to the family. We adopted a new little kitten called Keira. Keeping in line with the "Star Trek DS9" naming convention for our pets. (Our dog is called Neelix) we have converted the name to .. KIRA ( As in "Major Kira ") Somehow her personality matches that of the

My Brother in Dakar

Some people do not dream. Others DO dream. Most of us don’t persue or dreams. We put things off until ‘later’ and nag and complain when we are old. So when your dream is to ride your bike to Dakar .. you can daydream about it until you are blue in the face. OR you

At least Scrooge was Honest.

This is not going to be one of these posts where I need to start of with an apology and stuff like that. Reason I have not been blogging away eagerly has to do with the holiday season. This time of year reeks havoc with my "general order of events" and tends to drain away