IOS : Learn to use Goodreader with the power of ScreenCasts.

Don Mcallister is probably the master, no, the emperor when it comes to screencasting and making instructional video’s for Mac and IOS users. His website “Screencasts online”     is packed with great instructional video’s for both payed and free users. One of these screencasts for the “non premium” users (or a ‘free screencast’ )

Tired of OSX telling you what you can and cannot do ? Use the command line.

The great thing about OSX (and all Apple technology for that matter) is that there aren’t a lot of buttons you can press. This makes for simplicity and ease of use. For stark designs and intuitive interactions with technology. And that’s great. Until you feel the urge to customize something or want to change a

New artwork hits the store (s)

With the whole rebranding redesign of going on on the background, one of the things we wanted to upgrade was the logo. originally designed by fan of the show Sharky it portrayed the “ Heron” in side profile. With the rebrand we decided to turn the logo around and spread the Herons wings. Friend

VID : Modem sound, slowed down 700 times makes for scary atmospheres

While looking for content for the next intro tune for the podcast, I came across this little gem : The sound of a dial-up modem slowed down 700 times. I am not really sure to be completely spooked by this sound or to sit down and have it playing as some kind of background

LINUX : Lubuntu 12.04 is nearly done.

With the end of the month approaching the new release of Ubuntu is coming ever closer. With 12.04 we are seeing the 3rd incarnation of this popular operating system featuring the highly contraversial Unity interface. Canonicals bold move in choosing a completely different way of letting you interact with your desktop have been the subject

IOS : Turn your tablet into a learning machine.

Our Tablets (wether that be iPads or Android Tablets) are probably the most coveted piece of technology you can find on our ground floor. Having chased our desktop computers upstairs to our Office and herding our laptops in the closet to wait for more productive tasks, they rule supreme. Aside from the average tasks of