Our Tablets (wether that be iPads or Android Tablets) are probably the most coveted piece of technology you can find on our ground floor. Having chased our desktop computers upstairs to our Office and herding our laptops in the closet to wait for more productive tasks, they rule supreme. Aside from the average tasks of playing Angry Birds, checking email and waisting time on Facebook, our iPads do offer us another source of content that TV lacks these days. The ability to learn. If you are ever bored or craving new knowledge : here are three killer applications you can not mis out on on your iPad.

Ted Talks : Probably the best know ‘talks’ app on the iPad , Ted Talks gives you access to the thousands of speeches and talks that have been given on the Ted conferences throughout the world. You can search by keyword, browse the latest talks, check out the different categories, but you can also use the “entertain me” option. Just select the type of talks you want to explore, enter how much time you have, and the TED app will make a great selection for you to enjoy. Download the talks you like for offline viewing or share them online ,making you look far more sophisticated then you are to your social circles. Try the TED TALKS APP.

Kahn Academy : Having heard about the Kahn Academy from the founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales himself, I checked out the website to find thousands of cool instructional video’s on a variety of educational topics. Nice ! especially if you are in the educational sector you can find a plethora of content with a far higher degree of quality and accuracy then Youtube ever has to offer. Try the KAHN ACADEMY APP.

ItunesU : For thousands of years TV shows have taught us that you need to be a jock to get a scholarship and get into some fancy college or university. Well that no longer is true. With the ItunesU app you can now not only download lectures and talks from the best universities in the world , you can also download complete interactive courses to take on for free. An amazing treasure-trove of information awaits ( Personally I listened to a few amazing lectures on astronomy and was blown away to see that , not only did it keep up, i was also able to learn something) Turn your local Starbucks into an MIT auditorium with your iPad and iTunes U.

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