“Whats in your bag week” Day 4 : Knightwise.

With all these amazing guest bloggers showing us what gear they use and what is “in their geekbags” I feel a little intimidated showing you what I drag around. My “Bag” is my daily companion for the days I work onsite as an IT consultant. It is focused on portability AND the ability to facilitate

KW903 : Knightwise.com at F.A.C.T.S. 2014.

F.A.C.T.S. is Belgians biggest cosplay anime scifi and comic expo and WE were there. Join our reporters as we interview guests, cosplayers and bootholders about the great fun they have at F.A.C.T.S.  A chat with the Cheshire cat, a fling with the fawn, Orks all around and a perfect replica of Kit and CAR from

Movie week : Movies every geek should see (3 of 5) : Breaking the Code.

It is sometimes frustrating to see that history tends to forget those who have played the most important rolls. This is very much the case with the British mathematician Alan Turing who, during the second world war, not only was responsible for breaking the German Enigma code, but also for laying the foundations of the

Movie week : Movies every geek should see (1 of 5) : Pirates of Silicon Valley.

Technology and geekery are becoming a bigger and bigger part of our lives. Where the internet used to be something only used by university students with beards and open-toe sandals, it is now an integral part of everybody’s life. So it is no surprise that some of the persona’s who have made that technological evolution

KW901 : Star Wars Fanday.

Welcome back to season 9 of Knightwise.com where we kick off with another geeky video documentary. We head out to Belgiums best Retro Toystore as the Star Wars fanclub organises their annual fanday. We talk to the owner about retro toys and collectors, interview the people from Teekay-421 and talk to the troopers. (And did

kw808 : Holiday Anonymity.

We dive into the holiday madness with kw808 : Holiday Anonymity and talk about ways to stay safe when you are away from your trusty home network or personal 3G connection. Who might be snooping, Who might be watching ? Should you be worried about the 16 year old script kiddy in the Hotel Lobby

kw806 : Datacenter in a box.

We go deeply technical today and discover the wonders of Virtual machines. What are they and why do we compare them to holographic characters in Star Trek ? We talk about the secret sauce to build a ‘Datacenter in a Box’ for your home. Instead of owning rows of old clunkers to test, or half

kw804 : The Cross Platform Startup.

What does it take to start up a company ?  What does it take to make that company cross platform compatible ? What hardware do you choose , what software do you choose ? What services do you go for ? What are the challenges, the easy bits and where does it all make you

Cool Kickstarter Kicks (By Matthew Deboysere.

Biweekly I go through Kickstarter and try to find some interesting projects that you just must back. I have backed 22 projects since February 2011. My strategy is simple: I just cruise through the pages until I find something I like. Sometimes I search for keywords. Earlier this week for example I tried “laptop” and

kw803 : Girls Gone Geek

Its time to be Mr Journalist and cover Acer’s launch event for their Liquid E3 smartphone in Brussels and take some interesting interviews. We talk to two different sides from the girl-geek spectrum and interview Sunny, a ‘beauty blogger’ who just got her first smartphone and Mee Hyang, one of the members of the ‘Brussels