KW903 : at F.A.C.T.S. 2014.

F.A.C.T.S. is Belgians biggest cosplay anime scifi and comic expo and WE were there. Join our reporters as we interview guests, cosplayers and bootholders about the great fun they have at F.A.C.T.S.  A chat with the Cheshire cat, a fling with the fawn, Orks all around and a perfect replica of Kit and CAR from

KW901 : Star Wars Fanday.

Welcome back to season 9 of where we kick off with another geeky video documentary. We head out to Belgiums best Retro Toystore as the Star Wars fanclub organises their annual fanday. We talk to the owner about retro toys and collectors, interview the people from Teekay-421 and talk to the troopers. (And did

kw704 : Elementary OS and Thor Squared.

Its time to dive back into the audio podcasting after your Double Topping of F.A.C.T.S. video coverage last week. This week we grill wiseguy Thor about his experiences with Elementary Linux, a Distro spin on good old Ubuntu 12.04 with stunning looks and a soft spot for the hardware impaired. Afterwards we give you a

kw703: F.A.C.T.S. : Belgiums Comicon covered by part 2.

We give you the second part of our coverage of F.A.C.T.S. : Belgium’s version of Comic Con. Where we talked to booth-holders and fan club in the first chapter of our coverage, this time, we will be interviewing the people who really make the magic happen t: The Cosplayers. So stand by for great self

kw702 : F.A.C.T.S. : Belgiums Comicon covered by part 1

Its time to give you the first slice of the biggest geek-pie we bake for your every year. As by annual tradition we cover F.A.C.T.S. Belgians biggest Cosplay, Manga, Anime, Scifi and Fantasy expo. In the first half of this two part episode we talk to a couple of very interesting people on the show

Get your geek on and join us at F.A.C.T.S. : Belgians answer to ComicCon.

If one percent of your DNA is “Geek” and you live in the Benelux area, there is only one thing you can do next Saturday : Immerse yourself in your true geekdom and join us as we do our annual coverage of the F.A.C.T.S. event in Ghent. Next weekend the Expo halls in Ghent will