Its time to give you the first slice of the biggest geek-pie we bake for your every year. As by annual tradition we cover F.A.C.T.S. Belgians biggest Cosplay, Manga, Anime, Scifi and Fantasy expo. In the first half of this two part episode we talk to a couple of very interesting people on the show floor. From Belgian game companies looking for a real life red riding hood, to full scale T-Wing fighters. From handmade geek bags to Belgium biggest online comic book store .. Perk up your fake Vulcan ears for part one of our coverage of F.A.C.T.S.

Archonia : Belgiums biggest online store.
The Prospectors guild and their giant T-wing replica.
Feathers of an Angel : Geek craft galore.
‘Woolfe’ : Grin looks for a red riding hood in their upcoming game.
Tessa from Ubisoft talks assassins creed.


  • – Camera 1 : Stefaan Lesage.
  • – Camera 2 : Kris Hendriks
  • – Photography/production : @Niejana
  • – Interviews : @knightwise.

Stay tuned for PART 2 of our coverage of F.A.C.T.S coming up real soon as we give you the exclusive interviews with the people who make the magic happen. Yes .. its Cosplay time !

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