3 linux apps that make the difference.

Since I’ve ported my brand new 11.6 inch Macbook Air to Ubuntu Linux, I’ve noticed that I seldom boot back into OSX on this little machine. Life is good on the Ubuntu side. Because for where it might lack powerful video editing tools or multitrack recorders that come with the same ease of use as

kw401 : 'Using Ifthisthenthat to automate your Cyberlife'

We kick off season 4 with a great tutorial podcast on how to let the internet work for you. A deep dive into the functionalities of ‘If This Then That’ enlightens you how to tie all of your social platforms together and through automation, have cyberspace work for you. Shownotes Intro If this then that

Kwtv306 : Installing and SSD into a Macbook Air.

Its tinker time again as we swap out a spinning 4200 RPM harddrive from my 2.1 Macbook air and swap it out with a 60 gigabyte SSD Drive from Macsales.com. A good howto, some smart tips, a cameo from scotty and a speedrace. All of that and more in this weeks KWTV. Shownotes. www.macsales.com Related

Kc305 : "Running your own home Linux Server".

In this episode we give you some ideas and possibilities when it comes to building your own home Linux server. While putting an old clunker back to good use or using a VM, we give you tips and tricks on using the command line, CLI applications, web based interfaces remote desktop sessions or even terminal

Find duplicates in your iTunes library and think long and hard what to do with them

My hairdresser ( of all people ) came to me with an interesting question. He had 14 copies of Michael Jackson. I suggested he would start hiding his children, but it turned out he referred to his iTunes library. These 14 duplicate songs resided in several playlists throughout his massive library. His question was ”

Meet Scott Sigler : Internet Superstar Horror Author.

A long time ago, when podcasting was still young, I found out about a writer who was nuts. This author, instead of just writing his book, decided to narrate every chapter and publish it as a podcast BEFORE the book got published. The first book – podcast series he did was called “infected” about a

Bootcamp keymappings for Windows keys on Mac keyboards.

Bootcamp is a pretty sweet invention. Allowing you to run Windows (or Linux) on your Mac, alongside with your favorite OSX install. Now the boys in Redmond and Cupertino might have you believe this is a completely flawless experience, but on a compact Macbook air keyboard, I dare you to find the Delete key (not