The Knightcast Episode 36 : The epiphany of simplicity.

The Knightcast episode 36 : The Epiphany of Simplicity. Direct link to the show :   Summary. After a little hiatus , we are back. More then anyone we know how busy life on the edge of real and cyberspace can be. With information overloading us and hectic schedules its time for some tips

Beamdown to Root-Ville.

The one downside in having a 256 megabyte memory-card in ones digital camera, is that it takes some time to fill up. So even at 2 mega-pixel per pop.. One still does get the “ow I forgot I had that picture” syndrome from time to time. Like last years holiday pictures still snuggled up nicely

Whieeeeeeeeee !

Just another great flick !  I know its old , but still , its darn right hilarious. I would just like to say ….       WHIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE     Related PostsNo Related Posts

Big Apple Talk !

    A friend of mine at work visited New York lately and was kind enough to snap me a little shot of the new Apple Store. You can also see the full high res picture on Flicker, because this guy would not now compression if it bit him in the nose. I swear his

America's next top model.

I hate TV, any form of mainstream digital entertainment that involves none time-shifting entertainment and is pre-chewed for the masses is sure to send me reeling for my laptop or otherwise nukes me to level 5 of the coma scale. Especially reality tv is extremely unnerving. But since there is only room for either my

Star Trek Theme Day.

Tatadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ratatata taaaaaa  ! Just a little bit of pop-cyber-culture for you today with this great mashup of the original Star Trek song and the theme music from the Simpsons. Though the guy looks like he just had brain surgery done and the patients front and rear lobes have been successfully removed, its still a

Why you never see me outside on a saturday morning.

    This is my idea of an average Saturday morning.  Time  About Half past nine. up and at this since 5 30 am.  Systems. One Mac G3 running Ubuntu Linux (command line only) One Mac Mini running Mac OSX (controlled through the macbook via a remote secure shell) One Macbook remote controlling 2 secure

Do we need cyber-locksmiths?

  By Daniel "Captain Command Line" Turner. (more at ) Computerized. Everything today is computerized, your comunications, you finances, many people's enjoyment, travel, even friendships! And all of this is passworded. Imagine, having to recite a secret code just to talk to a friend, it sounds stupid, but millions of people are doing it

The Knightcast Episode 35 : Remote Domination.

The Knightcast Episode 35 : Remote Domination.  Direct link to the show : Summary.  Don't even leave your seat for episode 35 of the Knightcast : Remote domination. We talk about the tools of the trade how to remote control every PC that you own. With tips, howto's and cool programs we turn your

Dell releases USB peripheral to battle exploding battery issue.

Dell releases USB peripheral to battle exploding battery issue.       The first ever USB Powered Fire extinguisher. 🙂 For tech in your life .. tune into and check out the Knightcast Podcast.  Related PostsIts not what you add .. its what you leave out . Practical pointers in simplicty.Dell Laptop Bombers no

The world at your doorstep.

The world at your doorstep. Living on the edge of real and cyberspace is like living on a very very small planet. With all the communicational tools that are at our disposal (like Email, Skype, Instant messaging and what have you) distance is no longer an issue. Ok, I bedazzle people around my by saying

The Knightcast Episode 34 : Captain Command Line.

Direct link to the show: Show Summary. Join us for episode 34 of the Knightcast. After a long hiatus where we took some time of for rest and relaxation (and to get married) we are back once again with an action packed show. In episode 34 : An interview with captain command line we

Oh right … That doesn

Oh Right.Sometimes I think I should have become an inventor. That would have been something right up my alley. Sitting there with my think cap on, scribbling mathematical formulas on endless sheets of paper. Fretting around my Frankenstein-esque laboratory and suddenly screaming “ EUREKA “ whilst constructing some immensely complex machine.The trouble is : I’m

Skype videochat for mac. The future is here.

A long time in the making.  Its been a long time coming , or has it been a long time overdue : Its finally here. The first cross platform VIOP & Videochat application to span the bridge between Mac and Windows users. The switchers holy grail so to speak. The missing link between the two

Feeling HOT HOT HOT !

Its too damn hot.For about the 20th day in a row, maximum temperatures here in never-ever-sunny Belgium have once again risen above 33 degrees centigrade. We are having a full blown Sahara style heat-wave. Just great ! For those of you who know me : I do not like the cold. I have complained in

If you want my advice … why don't you take it ?

Helpdesk Saturday. Being in the IT field I get a lot of phone-calls. I must say, if I don’t “accidently” leave my cell phone at home from time to time .. Saturday afternoons, rainy days, and holidays would turn into some kind of private on line help-desk sessions. It used to be even worse, being