Kc305 : "Running your own home Linux Server".

In this episode we give you some ideas and possibilities when it comes to building your own home Linux server. While putting an old clunker back to good use or using a VM, we give you tips and tricks on using the command line, CLI applications, web based interfaces remote desktop sessions or even terminal

Achtung ! Wolfenstein 3D turns 20 and is free for you to play.

You start noticing you are getting old when things like “20th anniversary of” start popping up all around you. And with that I don’t mean the 20th anniversary of your retarded cousin (who you thought would kill himself by endlessly going around a revolving door) but things like GAMES. Games YOU used to play when

Kwtv302 : "A look at Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin".

  If you are into linux but Ubuntu’s new user interface has got you puzzled or scared, this episode is for you. We take a look at the latest long term support version of Ubuntu’s latest release : Precise Pangolin. We take a quick look at the anatomy of the Unity interface, how the different

LINUX : Lubuntu 12.04 is nearly done.

With the end of the month approaching the new release of Ubuntu is coming ever closer. With 12.04 we are seeing the 3rd incarnation of this popular operating system featuring the highly contraversial Unity interface. Canonicals bold move in choosing a completely different way of letting you interact with your desktop have been the subject

From dapper to edgy in a snap.

When a new linux distribution hits the scene its always a little bit like Christmas. As the beta releases taunt you like packages beneath the tree, tempting you to try them out .. The hard part is sitting on your hands untill the website screams FINAL and the fun can begin. Thus here is my

Do we need cyber-locksmiths?

  By Daniel "Captain Command Line" Turner. (more at http://dannyturner.dyndns.org/ ) Computerized. Everything today is computerized, your comunications, you finances, many people's enjoyment, travel, even friendships! And all of this is passworded. Imagine, having to recite a secret code just to talk to a friend, it sounds stupid, but millions of people are doing it

The Knightcast Episode 34 : Captain Command Line.

Direct link to the show: https://knightwise.com/podcasts/kc_1082006.mp3 Show Summary. Join us for episode 34 of the Knightcast. After a long hiatus where we took some time of for rest and relaxation (and to get married) we are back once again with an action packed show. In episode 34 : An interview with captain command line we

The pro

The word alone sounds repulsing to me. Proprietary : The word alone sounds repulsing to me. Being an open source – cross platform fetishist, anything that is locked into the boundaries of a certain manufacturer is probably comparable to the used toilet paper of satan himself. Anything that veers away from open standards and locks

The Knightcast Episode 33 : Virtualisation.

The Knightcast Episode 33 : Virtualisation Direct link to the show : https://knightwise.com/podcasts/kc7706.mp3  Summary. In episode 32 we talk about my upcoming wedding, but most importantly look at the power of virtual machines. Learn how to tune tech into your way of life and 'virtualise' your entire computerlab to just one machine. By using free

Virtual insanity : Xp in Linux or Linux in XP.

A whole new deal.  Very soon we will see a culture shift, A change how people interact on the computer scene. My prophecy is nothing less then the end of the almost religious ‘ OS- Wars ‘. From newbie to web-lord, we have all played the paralympic game of ‘ what’s the better OS’ Wether

hot weather + Airco = No show :(

Hot hotter .. Haaaatchoo !   Just great ! One day of hot and steamy weather and guess what ? I have a cold. A cold ? yep ! My voice sounds like Barry White the morning after his bachelor party. My throat feels like the inside of a death star trash compactor in full

The Knightcast Episode 32 : My Macbook.

 The Knightcast Episode 32 : My Macbook.    Direct link to the show : https://knightwise.com/podcasts/kc060606.mp3 Summary. This week we do an in depth 'Knightcast Style' review of the 13,3 inch tinkerbell of technology called "The Macbook". Is it all that its cracked up to be ? Is it realy that great or is it all

The Knightcast Episode 31 : Tips for the mobile Geek.

    The Knightcast episode 31 : Tips for the mobile geek. Direct link to the show : https://knightwise.com/podcasts/kc290506.mp3 Summary. An episode jam packs with tips for the mobile geek. How to carry and organize your tech equiptment as easy, light, convinient and efficient as possible. What to take with you, where and how to

The Knightcast Episode 30 : What operating system to choose.

  The Knightcast Episode 30  ' What operating system to choose ' Direct link to the show : https://knightwise.com/podcasts/kc200506.mp3 Summary. Join us for show number thirty where we triple the normal crew of the Knightcast and have a globe spanning discussion with two more experts about what operating system to choose.  Windows ? Linux ?