kw405 : Nas4free as your cross-platform network filehub.

We get technical this week with a great open source and free network attached filestorage solution called NAS4FREE. After running down the list of things it can do we show you how to tweak into the core of your cross-platform filesharing world, enabling you to use it as a central filehub for all of your

Turn your home into a virtual datacenter with Virtualbox.

You’ve heard us talk lots of times about Virtualbox. Our FAVORITE free (as in ‘Gratis’) cross platform virtualisation software. As we mentioned in the previous podcast episode about “Proxmox” (a more serious virtualisation tool) the machines in our home with their I5 and i7 processors and “Gigglebytes” of ram .. are mostly idling around in

Access your ebook collection on your smartphone with Calibre and OPDS.

Calibre. Without a shadow of a doubt out favorite cross platform ebook management application, is once again the topic of conversation for today.  For whoever came up with the idea that ebooks should and could be managed through iTunes .. should be shot, brought back to life, shot again, cremated and have his/her ashes scattered

“Blood and Chrome” Battlestar Galactica prequel available online.

If you haven’t seen the “remake” of the 1980’s show Battlestar Galactica, you should seriously consider going to a therapist and ask them to examine that hairy ball of fur between your shoulder blades. As any self respecting geek with a sci-fi interest will tell you, Battlestar Galactica ( BSG for Short) is one of

kw403 : Storytime ‘It Archeology’

Time to gather up a cup of coffee or whatever warm substance you drink and snuggle up with a pillow for this weeks “Storytime” edition where we reminisce about times long gone and how to give old windows 98 machines, eternal life using tools like Clonezilla, Vmware converter and Virtualbox. Shownotes. Windows 98 Socket A

@Mcvries does an “in place upgrade” : Ubuntu 12.04 becomes 12.10

It was a first timer for me : an “in place” upgrade. I had made it ‘a thing’ to install every Ubuntu version fresh, and do it fast. Creating a list of installed applications, exporting the software sources I collected and then let it install everything automatically after a fresh instal of the OS. This

Diaspora Battlestar Galactica mod has cross platform sliders screaming : “So say we all”

Another great tip from long time friend of the show Sharky, has our collective ‘significant others’ moaning in distress. Lets face it people : If somebody told you you got to fly a Viper in the Battlestar Galactica universe, things like girlfriends, day-jobs, work, food and even to some extent breathable air , become secondary