Podsafe tunnels

KW1106 PodSafe Tunnels

What happens when Knightwise and KD get to chatting during an early morning commute? Episode KW1106: PodSafe Tunnels. Links The History of Podcasting [timeline] Daily Source Code [wikipedia] KW History “Another Day“ Music DJ SMaKC – Devoutkast [MashupTown] Credits Episode produced by Keith Murray Shanghai Tunnel picture by Manuel Joseph Related PostsKW1603 – We Don’t

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Back to Basics

The most important lesson that I learned from re-listening to those old shows is that the most boring, dull and mundane things might be the most fascinating to share. One of the reasons I haven’t blogged for a while is because I thought I had nothing to share. Turns out there are things that i’m working on (as small as they may seem) that might be of some importance to the listeners. Hopping back to 1>0: ANY content is better then NO content at all.

Review : The Samsung Gear VR. One way ticket to VirtualSpace.

With the advent of the Occulus rift, a set of “virtual reality goggles” within the consumer price range, the breakthrough of Virtual Reality was imminent. Or so we thought. Turns out that VR, to many is nothing more then a gimmic and that scenes from “The lawnmower man” are far from part of our daily

Five new years resolutions for a (budding) Cross Platform Geek.

With another successful orbit around the sun completed, its time for us carbon based lifeforms to dream up some list of ‘Things we would like to improve on’ in 2016. Since we all lack the telepathic mind controlling abilities to force these improvements upon others on a global scale, it is perhaps more prudent to

KW1005 Knightwise on Podnutz Daily

This week we have a special treat. We have a chance to listen to Knightwise answering some questions instead of being on his usual side of the microphone. This week’s show is an interview that Knightwise gave on a recent episode of Podnutz Daily. Links Podnutz Daily #418 Credits Interview by Jeffery Halash Episode produced

KW1002 Storytime

This week’s edition of the Knightwise.com podcast brings another installment of Storytime. Sit back and relax to some tunes selected by the Cyberpunk Librarian, Daniel Messer, and two stories from the archives: “Offline” and “When Wanting is More Pleasing than Having”. Links When Wanting is More Pleasing than Having (original article) Amok Time (Wikipedia) Music

Raspberry Pi Week : Guestblog : Serve Your Message With a Slice of Pi

This weeks guestblog is brought to us by Daniel Messer, aka the Cyberpunk librarian. Find out more about Daniel, his podcast and his awesome website over at Cyberpunk librarian.Com Digital signage is a passion of mine which is odd because, for the most part, I hate advertising. When you think “digital signs” you have to

When wanting is more pleasing then having : What drives YOU to buy new gear ?

“Wanting is more pleasing then having” : It’s not logical, but it is the truth. It’s a line Spock must have quoted in some long gone Star Trek episode somewhere (please don’t ask me, I can’t remember which one). For some reason it has stuck in my mind for the longest time. “It’s not logical but

Productivity week : Let somebody read you the web with Pocket.

There are certain things in the universe that are constant. Toast always falls with the Marmelade coated side DOWN, cats land on their feet and Will Smith’s son Jayden will never be able to utter an intelligent sentence on social media. And the same goes for interesting articles on the web. Their will be a

Productivity week : The best chrome extensions to increase your productivity.

We continue our Cross platform productivity week posts this week and focus on that one little application we use the most on our computers these days … The browser. (or the World of Warcraft Executable, depending on your taste). Chrome is a little bit of a cross platform blessing since it not only straddles most

Productivity week : Some free templates to keep your Google Slides presentations interesting.

When you are a cross platform slider, hopping from operating system to operating system, you know that life is HARD sometimes. One of those hard things in a sliders life is finding a good app to build slideshows and presentations that works on EVERY OS. I used to swear by using keynote for this. Its