Chrome Week : Our favourite Chrome apps (Part 2)

 We already told you about some of our favourite Chrome apps in the first post of this series, So this time its time to dive a little deeper into applications/extensions that will actually help you to do things for which you otherwise would need an application. We have broken them down into some easy categories

Sync all your iTunes playlists to your Android phone with Tunesync

The thing with proprietary software solutions, is that they are great. Everything tends to work smoothly together right up to the point where you decide to wander off the beaten path of supplier XYZ. A couple of years ago I made the crucial mistake of pouring my entire music collection into iTunes. Now, some 10

kw606 : Making your Mac cross platform friendly.

We dive behind the microphone and give all of you Apple users a slice of pie you don’t want to pass up on. We talk about making your Mac “Slider” friendly and how to put up ladders and crawl out of Apple’s walled garden. We have quite a slew of interesting tips and tricks on

Star Trek Theme Day.

Tatadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ratatata taaaaaa  ! Just a little bit of pop-cyber-culture for you today with this great mashup of the original Star Trek song and the theme music from the Simpsons. Though the guy looks like he just had brain surgery done and the patients front and rear lobes have been successfully removed, its still a

The pro

The word alone sounds repulsing to me. Proprietary : The word alone sounds repulsing to me. Being an open source – cross platform fetishist, anything that is locked into the boundaries of a certain manufacturer is probably comparable to the used toilet paper of satan himself. Anything that veers away from open standards and locks

A salute to spacemusic, a letter to a friend.

Letter to a podcaster, letter to a friend. This week marked the final episode of the podcast. A show I loved and enjoyed .. Its time to step up and salute its creator.   Beaming out to eternity.   Time rushes by in an ever fasting moving world. We are always busy , always

The Knightcast Episode 31 : Tips for the mobile Geek.

    The Knightcast episode 31 : Tips for the mobile geek. Direct link to the show : Summary. An episode jam packs with tips for the mobile geek. How to carry and organize your tech equiptment as easy, light, convinient and efficient as possible. What to take with you, where and how to