the new macbook pro.

Its here ! Its HERE !  I'm a calm person. Introvert, quiet, not easily impressed. Years on the edge of real and cyberspace have left me jaded and therefore not likely to be amazed or star-struck by new technology. As trends evolve and gizmos and gadgets whizz by I raise the preverbal eyebrow and sigh.

The rise of user generated content.

Nothing on YOUR tube .. what about YOU-Tube.  There is nothing on TV, I hear it over and over again.  Somehow mainstream tv entertainment  is indeed turning into brainless putty these days. Endless reruns of sitcoms, shamelessly repeated head-to-tale make the viewer believe that he either needs a lobotomy .. or has just had one. Recent

MAC OS X – Learning the OS X Ropes

MAC OS X – Learning the OS X Ropes. Posted by Sebastian Prooth  A small lesson from a beginner MAC user on how to optimise your MAC OS X system!  A few days ago I told you about buying the iBook G4 and some of the problems with the airport extreme wireless system. Yesterday, I

How to subscribe.

Get subscribed and stay there !   Just a quick one, For the fans of the Knightcast Podcast you can find out how to subscribe now by clicking the 'how to subscribe' link  on the right column. A small tutorial about how to subscribe will be yours to own. This way you will be able

Combine your brain and your GPS.

  Thing A Week: Code Monkey, originally uploaded by jawboneradio. One of the great things of being a cyber-citizen is the fact that one does not need to worry about the weather. If its hot or cold, sunny or rainy.. I seldom give the preverbial excrement because … I'm inside too much. So my fiancé

Transformer Nostalgia.

  sutransform2, originally uploaded by Jrchiou. Classic Transformer Nostalgia. Well, with easter coming up its once again time for children to dive into the backyards of their parents on sundaymorning. There they can look for hidden chocolate eggs and stuff their belly's like there is no tomorrow. The will be walking around with a Joker-like

The new Macbook on the way ?

Who knew I'd be getting a new keyboard?, originally uploaded by sassylittlepunkin. Macbook on the way. As the hammering is continuing today while work on the website continues I'm starting to realise this might just (hopefully) be one of my last posts in this current layout. The last post .. get it .. (Queue trumpet).

This site is under repair.

This site is under repair (and in despair) Have we pod-faded away ? Is the Knightcast as dead as a doorknob ? Is there no more hope ? Have we taken a plane to off-lineworld for eternity ? Relax my friends .. None of this is true..First of all , let me apologise about the

The Cat is after the mouse.

Maggie on the Ibook. Ok. Just a quick post from on the road. Above a nice picture of Maggie our cat hogging my ibook. Not only does this feline love to scratch his chin along this ibook, he also loves to WATCH what is going on on the screen. Whats op next ? Typing ???

Morning Thoughts for Valentine.

Morning Thoughts. Once again darkness surrounds me. In the silence of dawn only the slight rapping of my fingers over the black keyboard disturbs the murmurs of a waking world. I look around me and hope to find something to hold on to. Some stability in a life that is to divers complex and dramatic

Embarking on new Voyages.

  New Voyages. For those of you who do NOT now , and you are indeed very outnumbered, I am a Star Trek Fan. Not a trekky with suits and pointy ears, not one of those guys who dresses up as a Klingon with fake plastic ridges and certainly not one of those that loves

Sweet weekend come and slumber me.

Ow how I love these morning posts :). Once again dawn slumbers through sleeping streets in Hasselt. From the window of my office people can see the amber light of my desk-lamp mixed with the ever changing tones of a computer display. I am at ZEN with my world today , although another busy day

The Ubuntu Live Cd's :)

  Ubuntu Cd's in the mail. Okay , i'm not gonna go off on another Ubuntu Linux Rant once again , cause quite frankly I haven't done didly squat with my Ubuntu laptop these last two days. But since I had ordered the cd's in the mail a few weeks ago I was pleasantly surprised