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We are NOT moving. Okay , This is one of these times where you just HAVE to read the post. Because its our official press statement and we are so fed up with explaining everything all over and over again .. We just put in on the blog. Loyal listeners, readers and friends know that in march of last year , when we only moved in here for about 10 months, a real estate broker came over telling us they wanted to buy up our house because it was in the middle of an apartment complex they wanted to build.

The long wait. This started of 11 months of uncertainty as to where we were going to live, what was going to happen to our house, what our future home would be etc etc. Hours of lying awake in bed .. Thinking about what to do. Despair in not knowing where you are going to live.. Feeling out of place in your own house.. Hard negotiations with these real estate guys… until finally last October a deal fell trough. They offered us a brand new apartment in a town nearby.

Iffy. But until last friday everything remained iffy. We still had not received the paperwork to sign the deal. Uncertainty once more.. Was the deal going to go ahead ? Where they going to back out on the deal so we would have to negotiate all over again ? Where they setting us up ? What was going on. Uncertainty once more.

No Go ! Until last friday I got 'the call' The whole project had been scrapped. No giant apartment complex and no new apartment for us in Diepenbeek. So we are staying exactly where we are.I must say this is an enormous relief for us. We are a bit disappointed cause the new appartment looked fab (check out the fotos on the flickr page) BUT this is the house we chose , we renovated with the help of many many friends.. And THIS Is the place we want to stay. So now we can finaly finish up the renovations we started and make our home our home again. So YEEEEY !!!! The Knights are staying putt (for now).

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