How to subscribe.

Get subscribed and stay there !   Just a quick one, For the fans of the Knightcast Podcast you can find out how to subscribe now by clicking the 'how to subscribe' link  on the right column. A small tutorial about how to subscribe will be yours to own. This way you will be able

Combine your brain and your GPS.

  Thing A Week: Code Monkey, originally uploaded by jawboneradio. One of the great things of being a cyber-citizen is the fact that one does not need to worry about the weather. If its hot or cold, sunny or rainy.. I seldom give the preverbial excrement because … I'm inside too much. So my fiancé

The new Macbook on the way ?

Who knew I'd be getting a new keyboard?, originally uploaded by sassylittlepunkin. Macbook on the way. As the hammering is continuing today while work on the website continues I'm starting to realise this might just (hopefully) be one of my last posts in this current layout. The last post .. get it .. (Queue trumpet).

This site is under repair.

This site is under repair (and in despair) Have we pod-faded away ? Is the Knightcast as dead as a doorknob ? Is there no more hope ? Have we taken a plane to off-lineworld for eternity ? Relax my friends .. None of this is true..First of all , let me apologise about the

The Cat is after the mouse.

Maggie on the Ibook. Ok. Just a quick post from on the road. Above a nice picture of Maggie our cat hogging my ibook. Not only does this feline love to scratch his chin along this ibook, he also loves to WATCH what is going on on the screen. Whats op next ? Typing ???

Sweet weekend come and slumber me.

Ow how I love these morning posts :). Once again dawn slumbers through sleeping streets in Hasselt. From the window of my office people can see the amber light of my desk-lamp mixed with the ever changing tones of a computer display. I am at ZEN with my world today , although another busy day

The Ubuntu Live Cd's :)

  Ubuntu Cd's in the mail. Okay , i'm not gonna go off on another Ubuntu Linux Rant once again , cause quite frankly I haven't done didly squat with my Ubuntu laptop these last two days. But since I had ordered the cd's in the mail a few weeks ago I was pleasantly surprised

Lounging on a sunday afternoon.

Lounging on a sunday afternoon. Just a quick post from the heart of Maastricht in the Netherlands. I don't need much to make me happy..and quite frankly.. This caramel cappuchino and some exquisit company is doing it for me 🙂 …. Enjoy your weekend Related PostsNo Related Posts

The Ubuntu Automatix install.

The day after automatix ! We've got a lot of stuff to talk about today. So open your veins and stand by for a short but high-energy information post. But first : To those of you who think I’m dead , judging by the evening hours I have spent on-line these last week : Your

First steps in Ubuntuland part 3.

Keyboards 🙂 .. No matter if you love or hate them… you have to use them. And it is of keyboards this little rant is all about. Forgive me any typo's but my mind is doing backflops getting used to this new inexpensive and total crap keyboard I am using.. While trying to get back

Adventures in Ubuntuland.

Adventures in Ubuntuland. Well , it took some time , but finally I have gotten down and dirty and soaked my feet in the ground of the motherland : Ubuntu 5.10 has been installed and is running smoothly on my old G3 mac. A few test installs I preformed earlier worked like a charm but

Memories of a Dj.

You know I allways tell you guyz I was a DJ ? Well , i won't wine any longer and show you the proof of the pudding. Here is a cool fotoset that will take you back to the early days of Dynamic Sound Control : The Dj company me and my two friends erected.

Sushi.. No thank you :(

Haaaiaaa … Sushi !!!!! Today we went out to wijnegem. One of the bigger malls in our region. The local tv station was organising a "family day" and paraded all of their favorite belgian soap actors around. We could not care less where it not that all the shops whew open too… So we can

A nice evening at home.

A nice evening at home. Some people think I'm behind the computer all day and all night. Well .. I'm not. I do enjoy occasional evenings at home where the computer is nothing more then a slight humming noise in the background. Or in yesterdays case : the source of romatic chilled down music. As

5 Random tech links.

Just before I'm off to work .. a few links to keep you guyz and girls occupied today. Star wars the movie AT WORK ! * What would you think about watching STAR WARS a new hope AT WORK on a 468 pc ?you can ! Just open your dos box (or if you are

Merry Christmass !

  I'm not realy a christmass person. but still want to wish all the Knightcast listeners and visitors a wonderfull christmass. On the edge of the old and the new year I am sending you some great shots from the Christmass party at my inlaws. Featuring Nyana and her two sisters ( Whamy and

A brief history of Infinity.

    Take a coffee and sit down next to this post below. Think about the problem and be baffled all sunday morning. "The paradoxical twists and turns of infinity have baffled many great thinkers. The first person to truly come to grips with the concept was the remarkable Galileo Galilei." read more  Related PostsNo

The end of classic Media.

The end of classic Media. Show number 20, Life on a Stick still has to be mixed down … and allready i'm working on another edition of the Knightcast… Its twelve o'clock at night and sleep is the farthest thing from my mind. Surrounded by the silence of the night the only sounds i'm hearing

Wireless hacking tools.

    Wireless Hacking tools. Found this baby at For all of you guyz that liked the episode about wardriving .. here is your rambo-style combat equiptment.Anyone interested in wireless security and exploiting vulnerabilities will need a good set of base tools with which to work. Fortunately, there are an abundance of free tools

Let me see your new toy !

Bought mysellf an Ipod. I don't really believe in Santa anymore.. I don't even care for all the Christmas shopping that has to be done constantly. I despise the shops being open on Christmas eve because people go on an all out frantic frenzy to find god knows what for god knows who. I don't