Me and Steve fight it out. Its not once .. but twice that it has happened. The Knightcast and Steve Jobs lock horns in combat and prepare to shove it out untill the weakest link dives off a cliff. Well… not realy .. but its kinda this way. Way back in the beginning of the Knightcast podcast (i believe it was show nr 1) I had spent hours preparing a project for the show to let you select your latest downloaded podcasts and copy them to seperate location so you could access them from anywhere. You wanna know what happens ? 2 days after I do that show .. Steve launches the new Itunes .. that does excactly THAT .. all inside its own interface.

Last week we bring you the show about the ipod video. Spend hours on line finding and testing all kinds of cool itunes software (most crossed platform and free) to help you make nice video's for your Ipod.. AND A-FREAKING-GAIN Steve makes a new version of Itunes… That does exactly that .. Al from inside the program interface. Forget everything I said about podner or what have you.. If you have a file that quicktime recognizes and that is in your music library ? Right-click-to-convert. But you still wanna hang on to those other links i posted ..cause you never now.

The question I pose mysellf. Is Steve copying me ? Or .. Am i so brilliant that great minds think alike .. but I don"t have 10 000 programmers to make a product out of it .. Or am I indeed hearing exactly 'what the users want to make their computers WORK for THEM' (and the apple team is also very tuned into this 'vibe') .. Well in any scenario its flattering for me .. allthough I am not getting as rich as I should..

Lol .. only kidding my friends .. but is is a coincidence that it has happened twice… Oh sweet nemesis !
I'm off for a great weekend , got some dancing to do tomorrow as we go to Kerkrade to shake our bun-buns at the local "soul night". Digital camera at hand you will see the first first-person-swing-em-up arcade game not available on your psp 🙂

Have a great weekend !!!

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