In the age of digital abundance, we all need an iPod. And here is why.

Yes, dear readers. It’s finally happened. I’ve driven my mental dune buggy off the road and am now axle-deep in the muck of digital nostalgia, pining for devices that have outlived their usefulness (and their expiration date) and are considered “rare” when dug up by digital palaeontologists. I am well aware of the fact that

Returned to Sender

48 hours. That is the total time my latest geek purchase has been in my possession. Barely did the Kobo Elipsa come from the package, or the return-to-sender slip was rolling out of the printer. TLDR? : Wonderful hardware, terrible software. The years between my last Kobo (somewhere in 2012) and the purchase of my

The sound of space.

I’ve been a space geek all my life and to me, the big black universe has always fascinated me. Why? Because space is big and full of possibilities. It’s a “space” that is big enough to encompass all the possibilities of “what’s out there” that I can think of. That feeling of “vastness” is hard

Looking back (and forward) at Linux

Since we are on the theme of “Remember 20 years ago ?”, let’s talk Linux. I think it was somewhere in the last days of 2004 I heard about this Linux distribution called “Ubuntu”. I had been dabbling with Linux since the early 2000’s but it never ever “went” anywhere. Distro hopping to find a

Remember blogging?

My Gmail inbox, a wasteland of forgotten times, got an interesting email today: A congratulatory message from LiveJournal, telling me it had been almost 2 decades since my first post. … Two decades? I hopped over to to investigate and did find out that indeed, in 2004 i scribbeled down my first thoughts during

Crawling back on the wagon.

It feels like ages since I’ve been here. Pounding out words on a keyboard and sending them up to the internets. Well, I guess that is life, right? Sometimes things get “in the way” and before you know it months fly by and you haven’t touched your blog at all. Shame really. Especially considering this


In my last blogpost I had been pondering the idea of a « Lightphone » where I was specifically looking for a phone that would allow me to consume podcasts, navigate and communicate if needed. One of the reasons the Unihertz Titan jumped out at me was because of its rugged interface and the fact

Looking for the edge.

Whenever you think the tagline must somehow stil ring in your head « On the edge of real and Cyberspace ». And with « the edge » I don’t always mean the latest, newest or hippest techno hype that is going around. It shouldn’t always deal with the arrowhead of digital progress, it might

On Tunnels and who we trust.

Do YOU use a VPN? It’s a question you hear a lot from time to time. VPN’s used to be for people who wanted to tunnel back to the office to access a boring spreadsheet on some slow fileserver or print their daughters birthday invitations on the company dime. It used to be about tunneling

Toot Toot Tui

A rainy day on holiday secluded in a tiny village in the Jura mountains in France is the ideal place to pucker around with applications that don’t require a lot of bandwidth. Why? Because I have one bar on my 4G connection and i’m a huge nerd with love for command line applications. So time

Resetting the clock.

The year is 2023 and I am looking back at (almost) 23 years of « ». What started out as a humble personal website borked together in Frontpage Express (later Dreamweaver) has roamed the net in many forms since. From a silly static website, to a Livejournal blog, later a Blogger Blog and finally

A palm Pilot

A slice of Middleware

A quick Instagram post leads to 20 minutes of scrolling. A ping on Linkedin ends up costing me 5 minutes of my day looking at people boasting their new job titles online. A lookup of my train schedule somehow derails into rabbithole search about the origins of the Decepiticon known as Astrotrain. Lets face it: