Google Hacking Week : Find webcams, mediacenters and more with Inurl

Today on our Google Hacking week, we continue to use the Google search engine as a source for interesting information. In our  previous posts we talked about finding and downloading certain kinds of files but today we are on the lookout for “juicy devices”.  The theory is quite simple : Most appliances like webcams, routers,

Google hacking week : Using Google to “Hack” stuff.

This week it’s ‘Google hacking week’ on where we are going to show you some fun and interesting things you can do with Google. We sometimes forget that Google’s main mission is to “index the information of the world” and this means that the Google “bots” (little search and index programs) constantly crawl the

Google Sync: your bookmarks everywhere.

Google Sync : Your house is my house. Just got up and running this morning and only 5 seconds into my morning surf-wave when already found my little snippet of news that kind of makes my day. Google has just released a firefox extension called 'browsersync'   that lets you synchronies your bookmarks between several