Podsafe tunnels

KW1106 PodSafe Tunnels

What happens when Knightwise and KD get to chatting during an early morning commute? Episode KW1106: PodSafe Tunnels. Links The History of Podcasting [timeline] Daily Source Code [wikipedia] KW History “Another Day“ Music DJ SMaKC – Devoutkast [MashupTown] Credits Episode produced by Keith Murray Shanghai Tunnel picture by Manuel Joseph Related PostsKW1603 – We Don’t

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3 linux apps that make the difference.

Since I’ve ported my brand new 11.6 inch Macbook Air to Ubuntu Linux, I’ve noticed that I seldom boot back into OSX on this little machine. Life is good on the Ubuntu side. Because for where it might lack powerful video editing tools or multitrack recorders that come with the same ease of use as

kw401 : 'Using Ifthisthenthat to automate your Cyberlife'

We kick off season 4 with a great tutorial podcast on how to let the internet work for you. A deep dive into the functionalities of ‘If This Then That’ enlightens you how to tie all of your social platforms together and through automation, have cyberspace work for you. Shownotes Intro If this then that