The Samsung Gear S : The stand-alone-wristphone that isn’t quite there yet.

One of the things I fondly remember from my childhood are those cool sci-fi shows where the characters got to communicate with each other via their wristband-communicators. Whether it was David Hassellhoff calling his talking car in Knightrider or the crew of the Liberator communicating with their ship in Blakes 7 .. I thought it

kw705 : Reviewing the Samsung Galaxy Gear

Its Go-go-gadget review time again as we get our greedy little geek hands on the latest gadgets from Samsung. We do an in depth review of their new Phablet the “Note 3” and turn ourselves into Michael Knight (from Knightrider .. remember ?) as we slap on the worlds most advanced smart watch : The

kw408 : Cross platform IP-TV with WEEPEE.TV

We close of the year (and season 4 of with the video coverage we shot at the “Softlaunch” event of Belgians first ‘Internet only’ TV-Content provider : You Cable-Cutters can watch and learn what it is, how to get it, how it works and what other geeks might think of it. Will this

“Blood and Chrome” Battlestar Galactica prequel available online.

If you haven’t seen the “remake” of the 1980’s show Battlestar Galactica, you should seriously consider going to a therapist and ask them to examine that hairy ball of fur between your shoulder blades. As any self respecting geek with a sci-fi interest will tell you, Battlestar Galactica ( BSG for Short) is one of