Nathalie does Vermeer 2.0

A bit of a special post today, just to let you see that there might still be hope for the future. If we think that kids these days only spend their time on myspace, text their thumbnails away or hang out in msn until the keyboard breaks. As the digital age speeds up more and

Where do I get my Ubuntu Info ?

In the third day of my “Ubuntu safari” is going pretty slick. Updating my AUTOMATIX script provided me with some new and cool applications that I could install by just clicking on them. Goes to show Linux is not all that hard at all, now is it. The funny part is that I don’t “really”

About new beginnings.

It has been a few weeks since I posted , and lets just start of with saying thank you to everyone who has been nagging and pushing me to get some more stuff done on the site. I appreciate it 🙂 I wish I could whisk away the delay in posting with a “busy busy”


The light is amber across the wooden table I sit on. A shallow dance of flickering shadows that glide across the veins of a tree long gone. I am immersed in the silence of my own world, protruding sounds of reality kept at bay by my headphones. A binary string of ones and zero's wriggles

Great Xbox Commercial.

For the one below I need to thank Sharky who gave me a whole pendrive full of goodies that I will release this week. One of them being this great Xbox commercial. Banned in certain "terrorist-sensitive" countries but still hilarious to watch. If you look at the video with the 9/11 events in the back

Howto : Do Nothing.

The greatest challenge in a life so close to the edge of real and cyberspace must certainly be : How to relax. How to wind down from all the waves of information constantly washing up on our shores. How to stand back from the chatting crowd on Instant Messaging, from the many emails that need

Richard Hammonds Crash on Top Gear.

By popular demad (and for all of you who have not seen it yet) i'll post the Crash of Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond. It's all over Youtube, so its right here too. Enjoy the nine minute segment. (until they yank it off Youtube)   Related PostsNo Related Posts

Goodbye "Moe" ..

Today we bare unfortunate and sad news on the website as we are saddened to reprt the passing of Nyana's grandmother. "Moe" as we called her died age 86. She was one cool lady that will truly be missed. A real "old-school" grandma from way back. A time that did not have computers, cellphones

How I use my Treo.

One of the gadgets i've been lugging around for the longest time now is my Treo 650. Its quite remarkable if you look at it. I used to have the reputation to switch phones faster then Dame Edna would switch wigs, but still .. It has been by my side for over a year now. 

Another week .. Another Geek.

With the weekend rolling around it was time to can another episode of the Global Geek Podcast. This time me and my technological urges had made the pre-production of the show a little more stressful then usual due to the fact that I wanted to get my entire Routing setup overhauled before we got started.

Sleep tight cyber citizens …

    At CES halls are filled with thousands of expensive computersystems, High definition TV's and ultra portable cellphones. At Macworld Steve Jobs talked about how "inconvenient" it is to use a modern day smartphone. Bush just asked for a whole lot of money to wage war against an unseen enemy and the RIAA sued

Back from the dead !

OUch ! allmost a month since I last updated  ! Not good at all. Lets just start off with the usual crap wishing everybody merry Christmas, happy new year and all that jazz. With all the holidays over, the Christmas lights boxed up and the plastic reindeer in quarantine we can do away with all

Nyana playing the Wii !

Ok , its been more then a week since the last update. But .. We have an excuse .. or should I say WII have an excuse. In the long honored tradition of combining a Wii, a digital camera and a cute looking wife. Add Imovie to the mix, ask the Beasty boys to join