modemWith the weekend rolling around it was time to can another episode of the Global Geek Podcast. This time me and my technological urges had made the pre-production of the show a little more stressful then usual due to the fact that I wanted to get my entire Routing setup overhauled before we got started. So it was bye bye to my Linksys BSFRX41 router and hello and how-are-you to a new US Robotics 8200 router with built in VPN endpoint capabilities and FTP Server. What is funny is the atmosphere in which this all takes place. Its not that I just yank everything off the wall and calmly an quietly put everything together again. No ! A migration of any peace of hardware that is required for our internet connection is done with extreme care. Looking at contingencies in case that our new peace of gear would not work right away, a deadline at what point the new hardware should be working before we fall back to the old situation, And a schedule that includes only the times that our internet connection is not really needed. Believe me 🙂 Those times are few and far apart.

The final peace of the puzzle to our home network setup proved to be a router or modem that could natively handle a DYNDNS client without making too much of a fuss. Thanx to codemonkey Rob I had an Alcatel Speedtouch 510  lying around but it was virtualy wothless as a modem or a router due to the fact that the software on it was crap. As it is with the cheapest things, the can do the greatest things. A little searching on the net brought be to the realisation that these baby's are popular as hell and that there are all kinds of nice firmware upgrades to be obtained from the net. So with the new firmware version the little modem got a LOT of extra functionality and is ready to be tested on the next window-of-oppurtunity that presents itsself.

Meanwhile : You can surf over to : THE GLOBAL GEEK PODCAST and enjoy this weeks show. (btw : You hear me fall on my ass in this one.. 3 times in a row.)


The Global Geek Podcast #034 :: Looks are Everything

Welcome to The Global Geek Podcast for this week. It has been a full week of news so we have a great show. But we have tried to cover the stuff that got forgotten in favour of Apple (but we do have something to say about Apple). So enjoy!

This week we cover some items from the Consumer Electronics Show, Adult Films, Firefox 3 and one good reason not to live in Qatar.

Some cool tools that enable you to sync online video with your iPod, hacking Skype, software for your TREO and create killer screenshots.

Our whistle stop tour of the web this weeks brings you a great new blogging platform, a service that makes you money by hosting video and we find out what blends.



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