ubuntuIt took my quite a while to get it working, but after some research in the Ubuntu Forums I finally found a way to configure my Ubuntu Linux machine for dual screen setup. The one thing I enjoyed the most (except of course the part where it all worked like a charm) was the way I managed to  figure it out for myself. The manual on the forums pointed me in the right direction, but in order to get where I wanted I had to ‘read’ into the code and try to figure out what it meant. After I took a few guesses the graphical shell of my Linux machine died and I had no way of interacting with the machine. I was saved by ‘remote shell access’ which allows me to run a remote command line window from another computer. So it was “tinker-tinker-try” for a while but after a few attempts it worked. The great part was : I learned something new again. I got up to a problem in Linux that challenged me, and instead of copy and pasting every possible howto-configuration and getting quite depressed when it did not work , I figured it out all by myself. Ain’t I great ? (lol)

Of course after that it was time to record the global geek podcast episode 36 !  

ggpThe Global Geek Podcast #036 :: Clippy Does Porn 

Back to our usual format this week after our “How We Do It” Episode last week, we hope you enjoyed that and we are planning on some more special events this year.

This week was a fun show to record and we trust that you enjoy it. This weeks technology news sees Skype users threatened with fines and gaol terms, Microsoft causing 2.6 million users to spit the dummy and how a guy loses weight playing computer games.

We have some great free applications this week such as power toys for photo data editing and syncing files. Some fun software to “grow” a virtual world using the Internet as fertilizer.

Sites and services looks at some powerful search engines to find what you are looking for quickly. A great one ties in with one of our featured Firefox Extensions for this week.


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