Saturday morning, as usual it was time to record the Global Geek Podcast.
With the Macbook still in the shop I had some speedy tweaking to do to get everything working on the macbook. But thanx do Daves great editing skills it all turned out right. So tune in to the latest episode of the Global Geek Podcast where I cannot restrain myself and tear Twitter to shreads and accidently involve THIS famous duo into our podcast. (Don’t ask me how, even I cannot remember 🙂 ). All in all recording the show was once again a whole lot of fun. You can listen to the episode by clicking on the link below or on select the show on the GGP-Player on your right.

The Global Geek Podcast Episode Nr 43 for March 17th 2007.

This week on the geek Apple slips up the octo-core secret, We wonder if Viacom may be a Google killer and cannot wait to get some playtime with Korea’s killer robots.In applications we put your librarian out of a job with Ybook, Measure the load on your pipes with FreeMeter and indulge ourselves in getting the critters INTO our mac.Sites and services makes us kiss YouTube, Write short stories at ficklets and dare to do a digital top of the pops with the 100 most popular pages on Wiki (and NO we are not in them).With your feedback, a lot of friendly banter, Dr evil making a house call and of course some DRM free music , this is the ultimate, heavily cafinated, completely irresistable, non-prunesafe, powerhungry, recource friendly, information stuffed Teddybear that we call : The GGP 43 !

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